What grinds your gears?

All the moisture comes through my window all the time, hence the constant risk of mould.

I had mould in some spots on my old ceiling and it looks like one is forming on this one.

Also I’m going to die (35.2°C)

Not sure what kind of ceiling you have, but I’m more worried of mould growing in crevices in the cupboards.

I still remember a few years ago when a local radio
DJ told a tourist passing by that the temperature was 38-39°C.

It’s 40* C here in cali right now suppose to get to 42 :confounded:
It was getting into 45-46* C a couple hours south of me :thumbsdown:
You walk and just hear tssss tssss tsssssss every step then it reminds me of bacon and I get a hankering for it hehe

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Twitter mail notifications doesn’t turn the f–k off! I’ve tried unsubscribing multiple times but nothing happened(and when someone PM’s you, you get a mail for EVERY freaking message, so it ends up 50+ mails):rage::rage::rage:

I get my email flooded with IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) stuff almost every day and they send like 3 at a time, it’s bloody irritating, and I’m only getting a fraction of what they could send me. I’ve tried subbing to as little emailing as possible. It’s just a reflex for me to immediately archive their emails and never even open them. Much like immediately muting threads with ‘M&G’ in the title without reading the thread.

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Thats bad…may i ask when does the monsoon starts there? Here its monsoon season but summer hot temp. Last night it rained but temp. is again gonna go till 33 with 77%humidity…
Well, i admit its worser there… how are you all dealing with it :open_mouth:???

This is the UK, we don’t have a monsoon. It’s now 02:33 and over the past 24h the coldest is has been is 28C.

Same here…coldest was 28 :expressionless:. Well you are up at 02:33 ?? Its morning 7:16 here

It’s so damn hot that I can’t even go to sleep. 5 more hours and I’d have been awake for 24 hours straight, if I make it through the next hour (which is pretty much a certainty) I’m gonna make it through the rest.

something like this happened with me 2 nights ago…
I saw in news…monsoon will be there till monday…happy for that…in the end it is going to be a bit cool :frowning:

Temps are currently down to 25 but not for long.

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No monsoons in California either but wet weather usually january-ish
This past season got pretty heavy in terms of water and snow in sierra too

As to handling it, I work outdoors so it’s been he!! But start at break of dawn haha then shade and making ac keep going haha

It’s so nice here right now, it’s about 20 and gloomy, it might even rain :slight_smile:


Actually yesterday it drizzled a bit here, but it barely had any effect on the heat.

Sit rep: I’ve now been awake for just over 25h. Luckily I’ve found a way to stop myself from dozing off ( working on project Hellhound).

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Sit-up Reps? Oh, situation(al) report.

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Guys, I present to you fiber optic:

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Damn… it seems like the connection is a constant issue , since you moved.

The router has been playing up a bit for the last couple of days for some reason.