What grinds your gears?

Gr8 it happens with mee tooo but with spacebar

Lol no. Not I meant he’s taking a shit on me
And that’s probably disgusting :joy:

With swords and shields? Lol jk

There’s always a tie after we fight each other :stuck_out_tongue:

I know you were kidding :joy:

Same here. well. currently my big bro is sitting quite…just came after giving his exam :wink: So its calm and quite here…what about you?

Idk where’s my big brother going again and he’s not here rn.

Its better. No more disturbing here.

oh great!
Well now i am in mood to fight…
I am gonna take away his laptop to play my fav. game.
Lets see who wins this time… :wink:

Wait. You take away his laptop? Lol hope ya will not get caught there

his working on it…i am gonna snatch it away :stuck_out_tongue: lol
just sitting in front of me…he also has taken my earphones

Aw. Good thing you two didn’t fight each other there rn

i gave him…he broke his and instead of buying new…dad gave him his…thats a bad one…
we both hate it.
So we share earphone…And lot many other things too. :wink:

well, mood changed…let him enjoy. Just came after giving his exam and mom and dad not at home…we both are enjoying :smile: so i won’t snatch

Well… Still we still didn’t understand each other yet :neutral_face:

i didn’t get that…do you wanna know something about me???
Its ok you can ask anything.

Meh, no need… Let him be until he enlightened from kicking my ass out all day or I’ll see if he regrets

who is him here?

My big brother

oh i got it…
we just had a big fight now…
i didn’t got the laptop, but i know he will give it to me himself soon…

well one of my brothers I don’t really talk too…just his wife mostly :joy:
and my other brother lives in oklahoma, but he and his wife used to tattle on me if I wouldn’t babysit for them :grin::rofl:

Well i guess you should talk…you know.
You all can go on an outing…have fun…with lots of jokes …

I am the big brother and I’m hated by my younger sister most of the time :joy:

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hey why’s everyone quoting this???
I didn’t actually mean to ask it

C’mon guys…i do agree we hate our siblings sometimes but we love them too :heart_eyes:
We fight like monsters :rage:but in the end we are together :wink: (should i tag intheend? :stuck_out_tongue:)
lol :joy: