What grinds your gears?

my family :rage:

I must disagree (not 100%, though). There are some professional things that serve as an artistic stations for the digital artists. I think, they do the concepts on such things. This might justify them.

But aren’t theirs specialised? And wouldn’t they have more luck with a tablet?

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The scale matters. The tablets are not so powerful.


We’ve been without internet for about 3 hours now. -.-

Heartache/heartbreak is the purest of pains
It grinds your gears down to wheels

Didn’t have anywhere else to put it and needed to vent somewhere

In the end it doesn’t even matter

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Then how did you comment??? :confused:

Probably 4G.

ohk :neutral_face:

There was a blackout in our district ab 8month ago. A huge one. Mobile network stopped working at all :expressionless:

It’s called mobile data.


Yep …kk i got it. Thnx




I can’t stand reddit, every time I end up on it by accident and try to understand something it makes no sense. The whole layout is just plain wrong, everything is broken up and the coherency of threads goes right
out the window.

I have day off and it’s raining all day.

It’s warm over here. Wanna swap?

20 degrees I can’t complain , it’s way better to get wet in warmth :stuck_out_tongue:

Pleasant here…just a bit cloudy. No rains

It seems that a storm is coming here. Sultry air

We’ve had strong wind but zero signs of a storm.