What grinds your gears?

yeah yeah blame your earlessness to ya mum, lol :stuck_out_tongue: bad grammar I know lol at machine man @the_termin8r1, [I feel like listen to mtm, lol :cry:]

Oh I know people like that. They assume that when they’ve discussed a matter together someplace on the other side of the country, that others also are aware of that discussion. Regardless if you were even there with them or not.

Waiting for your turn for 3 hours at public services office only to tell you they can’t help you, at all.

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yes, I feel same,

today my new assistant created a fundamental chaos situation - lol- in 5 mins- tom she´s alone, it´s my free day …omg…:weary:

Idiots like this…

Spring cleaning.

As I read this there is a person from one of the houses opposite my garden cleaning the outside of their windows lol.

My mum’s currently vacuuming down stairs :angry: Also when she vacuums (especially in my room) she moves all the stuff that stay on the floor around and then doesn’t move it back. And she’s always trying to get into the smallest of spaces carelessly which usually results in something annoying. Such as the router being turned off a couple of mins ago.

so you wanna get the fix? do it on ya own, lol :yum:

You think I haven’t tried? My mum thinks I’m gonna blow up the house. My parents don’t trust me with anything :confused:

why they do this " safety-concept" to you, are you an axe´murder? Sry, have to range my reins, could only :scream: they will not force ya…

Haha, he’ll terminate everything :smirk:

hi @samuel_the_leader, what wasya day like?

@the_termin8r1 RESIST::relaxed::: how old must you be in england to be "indipendent, allowed to vote etc?

Yes they do. And to be honest I’ve exhibited such qualities on multiple occasions.

It pisses me off to no end when people move my stuff. Like, I place my phone in a certain spot on my desk, if someone moves it, even the slightest, I freak out. Not to mention “losing” things around the house.

I’ve completely lost it twice because my mum had rearranged my room. I’ve got the dents and scratches on my wall to prove it.

In movies when somebody plans to get drunk on whiskey (or just plans to drink whiskey) and they just pour a tiny bit at the bottom of their glass only to fill another tiny bit 5 secs later. FILL THE WHOLE DAMN GLASS UP!

When you’re waiting in a line for something and there’s that idiot either in front or behind you that’s constantly bumping into you for no reason.

That’s why I usually take my back pack. I will easilly keep the distance to the front person and the one behind will get bag in the face in case of bumping.


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