What grinds your gears?

I remember that day when my long lost Nigerian cousin happened to become a king and wanted to give me a trillion pounds if I gave him every piece of personal info I had on myself :joy:

I remember this day, I gave my daughter to you 3 trillion $ MAN :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Lorenzo rules…@lpuhq

He does: :stuck_out_tongue:

And now chrome is masquerading as (the old version of) Internet explorer.

Your browser seems To be a f…Sh… Ass…! So I guess it won’t be Fine Till evening? :pensive:

What’s funny is you’re already here:

haha noooo I am not just forget to log out, thx for reminding…yes yes the nights at the disco…always, tztz me…

Does anyone know what is this?

No clue. What does google say?

@The_early_walker, take note.

Anyway, @The_early_walker, do you know how to read this? :thinking: :

Propaganda? no not really. what it means?

@samuel_the_leader ?

on topic: if the jeans is getting straight after holiday

uhhh how embarassing this for real… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve absolutely no idea, someone wrote that and I simply took a picture of it. That’s why I’m asking you.

That’s the only word I could find:


What does it mean?

it´s like the meaning of support as far as I see…:slight_smile: @samuel_the_leader

When someone is late.

I just hate it when people aren’t serious about arrangements.

Really? :confused:

really, but ifyou can give the whole sentence, it would make it clearer…

But there wasn’t any sentence in the first place.

sry,so this is all I can guess…

I’m a really sensitive person, so a lot of things urk me. I just keep quiet, put on my headphones, and pull up my hoodie, I don’t know how this helps, it just does. Here it goes: Rude inconsiderate jerks, people who hurt others, the news, war, being talked at like I am a child, abusers, users, manipulators, people who think they know it all, getting interrupted while listening to music, writing, or reading, I had to set boundaries when it came to writing and having the headphones on, take a damn hint, oh sorry I guess that really gets to me. I also cringe when it comes to loud annoying noises (Lawn mowers for example), and bright lights. I’m sure there is more.