What grinds your gears?

Red won’t stop spamming me with BF emails. :expressionless:


@rickvanmeijel that is awful! I’m glad your teacher is understanding. I hope you had a better day today.

@evooba Good Luck!

@the_termin8r I use twitter for these things. It makes it easier to follow bands without getting spammed!

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I refuse to use Twatter. I’m waiting for uni to finish so I can purge my FB and Slack accounts and never touch the 2 outlook accounts again. lol


Thank you :blush: It was a bit stressful at first but everything’s alright now


What grinds my gears? My head. I’m sick of having headaches :upside_down_face: My anticonvulsant is supposed to help with migraines/headaches but not really. Tylenol not really helping right now. Uuuuuggggghhhh

So, I’m in my final week of term 1 of uni, that means that I have a block module. A block module means 09:00-17:00, Mon-Fri of just a single module and then you never see it again. Unfortunately the module is project management and control. There’s pretty much nothing engineering related in it and is BS. Worse still is that for some reason, the main lecturer isn’t here to teach it so he pawned it off to his underling/ puppet/ bitch to teach. The problem is that the guy is an absolute fucking mongoloid.

He just stands there and reads off the shitty powerpoint and spews shit. I call him out on the shit and he decideds to have an argument with me in front of the entire class about something he has no clue about. He couldn’t comprehend what efficiency was (among other things) and gave a completely wrong definition. I called him out and he tried to argue that he was right just because his stupid powerpoint told him so, despite him having no engineering background. The class was in agreement with me, by the way. Also, I was the 3rd out of like 7 to leave. We all left within 5 mins of each other.

I spent the lecture continuing to call him out on his shit and making jokes at stuff he said. For instance he asked what you do first when you get put in a group project and I replied with “suicide.” :joy: He didn’t give any straight answers to questions and often misunderstood the questions. This is what happens when engineers and non-engineer mongoloids mix.

Contrary to what I said above, today’s session was only 4h, I managed to tolerate 2h,45m of it before I got up from my seat said “I’ve had it with this shit” (loud enough for people within a couple of metres to hear me), jumped over the table and fucked off out of the room. I’m expected to tolerate this twat for an entire week. I say fuck that shit, I’m not going to a single one of those lectures, I’ve got more important things to do.

Hopefully this explains the post in the other thread.


You’ll get over this … and if you don’t go there- will you get the confirmation from that modul then??? Sending you patience… and remember you fought the dragon :dragon: (W10) so how will a mouse :mouse: ( the lecturer) kill you?

It’s a 100% assignment module, no exam and he didn’t take a register. The assignment has been given, we know roughly what we’re doing. I’m not going to any of them.

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I see- I guess I would do it the same way under these conditions :joy:

Uni can absolutely suck. Teachers like what you described are the worst. Glad you don’t have to go to anymore classes though!

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It gave an entertaining story so :upside_down_face: :joy:


I just spent the past 9h consecutive hours getting my arse absolutely ripped to shreds by the single most horrific simulation software I’ve ever had to use. All I have to do is drive a blasted LED with a transistor, take some measurements and write a short report on it. It’s been 9h and I only just got the results I’m meant to be getting. Not because of my incompetence (it’s a dead simple circuit with 9 basic components), but because the software is really glitchy, totally user unfriendly and I had to uninstall and reinstall it twice. What should have been a 3h assignment (5h tops) will now end up being like 12h. This is the first time I’ve pulled a literal all-nighter for an assignment.Usually I’d get an hour or two of sleep after finishing it.

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Getting entertainment out of misery stuff that’s all the time happens to you was just a joke!
You don’t need to continue this row!
And this isn’t even that funny.
:crazy_face: :woozy_face:
Sigh. Sorry. Hope you get some sleep.
But without doing naps, I don’t know how that should work neither. :confounded:

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This doesn’t relate to the retarded lecturer. I got over that by the end of Mon.

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Oh, didn’t ment that. More your row in general :kissing_heart:

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Nobody know the Roxette? You all have 5yo ?

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I’ve absolutely had it with my leaking ceiling. There was fairly substantial rain last night and leakage was off the hook. This is after the ENTIRE house roof was replaced. My entire room smells of soaked, rotting, chipboard (airing the room out does jack), but even worse, it’s dripping over all the expensive stuff in my room. One of my speakers, one of my screens, my mouse and my laptop are all in the splash zone and the added moisture in the air isn’t good news for my 3D printer filament and the mould that’s starting to form near the leak. It was leaking from so many places last night that my botched capture system wasn’t catching it, so I had to quickly inprovise with the gaffer and anything else I could find in my room again. Apparently they’re coming in tomorrow yet again to look at it.

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How many times has it been now that you have had problems with your ceiling leaking, anyway I am sorry about this

Just the one, it’s a continuous problem.

Hard to like the post on the leaking ceiling…
Who the hell replaced it then if it keeps leaking?
I myself avoid living directly under the roof. But I’m aware I avoid leaking because of rain only, not because of possible leaking from the neighbour upstairs (which I’ve experienced once).