What grinds your gears?

Yeah, I’m still sure of it but regarding Italy…

Eastern Europe isn’t exactly classified as the civilised world. LMAO. We have it fairly good here in the UK.


Some of my pet peeves

  • Bullies (mean people in general)
  • When I see trash outside on the ground (i can be lazy, but at least i throw away my trash. I feel bad for mother nature)
  • People who chew too loud
  • When people irl tell me “Don’t be shy”. Like really? You think it’s that easy? Now you just made it more awkward.
  • When someone doesn’t close my door all the way

There are probably others I can’t think of.


Well to be honest, I don’t think there will ever be such a thing as a dreamland, but don’t let that stop you from exploring other countries! Idiots are everywhere and will probably always be, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t visit other places :wink:


Yeah @lpfan61
Come, visit Bangladesh or Tatarstan and you will see that Italy is a dreamland.
Actually, most Ukrainians flee to Italy,Poland and Canada.


Just watched a ‘game movie’ of TLOU, wasn’t really a masterpiece as people seem to claim, but it was going very well. And then it fell flat on it’s fucking face right at the end! :rage:

I don’t know why this pisses me off so much but it was totally anticlimactic and then it finishes nowhere. I know there’s a sequel coming, but damn, it has pissed me off unreasonably.

I don’t what you’re talking about :joy: I watched a walkthrough of the game years ago, and I thought the ending was amazing! Actually made me a bit emotional haha

That I can’t be here that often… it kills ms
That my braces hurt bad… it kills me

I expected more, it was too abrupt and felt rushed to me. If it wasn’t for the excellent character development, the game would be a completely generic pile of mediocrity.

This made the game outstanding indeed. I’m not so sure about part 2 tho

Part 2 is 5 years later and you play as Ellie, from what I can make out from the trailers, her girlfriend gets killed and she goes on a spree.

Hmm I guess I’ll have to wait and see

This. My life.


‘8D’ or ‘3D’ or actually ‘xD’ (x being and arbitrary variable) music boils my blood. I’m starting to think it might be the next fad. Someone here posted a song a week or so ago and then we had a person on plug play a couple (and as result my yt went nuts) and just now I saw my sister listening to it too.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS ‘xD’ MUSIC FFS! :rage: Music does not have dimensions. The closest you can come is by measuring the wavelength and amplitude of the actual soundwaves, but that’s most definitely not what they mean. Calling music ‘xD’ is like saying that you were 5 kilograms late to a doctor appointment. It’s the scientifically incorrect name that drives me mad the most. If they’d called it something else I’d have been ok with it.

Then there’s the music itself, it’s just somebody who won’t leave the balance knob / slider alone on the sound board. That’s it, it’s just somebody constantly changing the balance and nothing else. It just makes for an annoying listening experience. I know @rickvanmeijel agrees with me on this point. :stuck_out_tongue:


Omg dear :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: stay strong- sending you strength :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:- it must be horrible to have this pain- I hope you feel better soon because you don’t deserve this pain dear busy bee :honeybee:- get a big :hugs: and a :heart: - :kissing_heart: I am with you @Honey8


@Honey8 deeeaar!! Stay strong!! :hugs: :hugs: :muscle: :heart: :sun_with_face: :hugs:


Sending strength too @Honey8! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

1 Like

Oh yes, yes I do :rage::joy:

Hang in there, you won’t have them forever! :slight_smile:


So this just happened:

Login to a site.
“Username password combination is wrong.”
Reset password.
“New password can’t be the same as old password.”
Reset password again.
Login failed. Redirects to register page.
Create a new account.
“Username already in use.”
Choose another username.
“Email Id already in use.”



I feel you :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: