What grinds your gears?

Still recovering from flu and cold, sweating like a pig in my tuxedo in city hall. But hey, hooray for healthy smoothies!

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IDK why but recently prices that end in .99 have been annoying me even more than usual. Apparently it’s supposed to be psychological trickery of sorts (for apocalyptic dumbasses). All it does is piss me off :stuck_out_tongue:

If I was running a country I would make decimal prices highly illegal and if you end a price in .90-0.99 you will be executed, end it in another decimal and it’s life imprisonment. If it’s a big company then the CEO takes the fall.

They spare some taxes. Not blaming them. It’s annoying, though. I agree.

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When you’ve ordered something and the company emailed you to state it should be delivered in 2 days. Which would’ve been great, because you have a day off in 2 days. So now you’re using that day off, waiting for your delivery…

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@gatsie I understand:

The internet was down for me since last night, only now was the connection restored. Yesterday I was wondering why twitter was taking so long to load, then I realised it wasn’t just twitter. The last thing I saw (on twitter) before the internet went down was:

Awwwwwwwww feel better soon and enjoy that healthy smoothie. :blush::slight_smile:

And if your better now than yay :blush:

My OML CD pack left Amsterdam on 22.05. That’s the last tracking message I’ve recived :expressionless:

Thank you @coolcat96, I’m still coughin and sneezing but it’s getting better :slight_smile:

Waiting is no fun! @samuel_the_leader But… already have 1 package delivered. Still waiting for the other one…

Waiting for a package from the US is a nightmare.

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Tell me about it still waiting for my tickets. I know I live here but getting thing is just a bother.

Dealing with Amazon is a nightmare:

Still ongoing @the_termin8r.

Honestly at this point I’d just say give up, doesn’t seem worth it. It was just a promo code wasn’t it?

People. Why are people so damn dumb?

Because they don’t know better. Which is unfortunate. What sort of stupidity were you the victim of?

I’ve no idea how Amazon managed to beat around the bush so much and give such a false sense of hope. I guess they hate to admit that they are helpless.

The site said it’s from WBR Eurostore :woman_shrugging:

I meant in general about the US thing but IDK why yours is taking so long.

Which part of Europe is it going to ship from? I’ve checked my EU origin CDs and most of them were manufactured somewhere in the middle of Germany.
