What grinds your gears?

Which part of Europe is it going to ship from? I’ve checked my EU origin CDs and most of them were manufactured somewhere in the middle of Germany.


My nephew’s ex girlfriend egged his new car. :rage:

Nothing a trip to the car wash can’t fix, tbh he should be glad they weren’t rocks.

On another note, I never thought children could be more annoying than dogs when it comes to RC cars. Went to the park again today, I had at least half a dozen children try to chase it (all small, about 4-6 years) and one dog before the owner stopped it. At one point this kid started touching the car exactly where it shouldn’t; right around the rear wheels. All I could think was “kid how soon do you want that finger to be gone?” because if I’d set off he would have never seen it again.

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i do agree . it takes many days for receiving our goods

Amazon are usually relatively quick with their delivery. Where do you live @Honey8 ?

Ok I’ve just send them one last email (hopefully): I suggested to them to just remove the promo that is currently in my account and to reissue a new one of equal value to my account. I told them that if they want to end the frustration on both sides quick, they better do as I say and skip all those unnecessary time-wasting steps.

When you end up in a discussion why your white friend shouldn’t be using the n-word, but they are too convinced that there’s nothing wrong with it…

It depends on the context, some people (regardless of skin colour) seem to greet each other like that in a non offensive way (don’t ask me why, I’ve no clue). If the word is used in a derogatory manner then it’s not acceptable.

From India

That might explain it, it also depends on where they have warehouses. I’m in the UK and deliveries are usually quick.

It doesn’t matter in what tone or context it is used. This word is associated with a painful history that lasted for centuries. Even when some black kids greet each other with that word, it doesn’t make it “less bad”. It’s a racial slur and is offense, just as much as any other racial slur is offensive…

Got a couple spots on his car, $1000 worth of damage; $40,000 car too.

Colds, Colds… Still Colds… -_-

Were they ostrich eggs or something?

so sad… :neutral_face:

ya…maybe :+1:

i caught cold again!! cant stop sneezing since morning…this is very bad
:sweat: :disappointed: :cry:

I don’t know why they thought it’d be a brilliant idea to have me work with the new person that knows absolutely nothing on a Saturday.

Well, try working with them on Monday, they might know loads on other days of the week. :joy:

Week days are not busy, I don’t have time to explain things when it’s crazy busy.