Wedding Song Idea Story

:rofl::rofl::rofl: I hope she said that innocently not knowing you were running away from her :sweat_smile::joy:

in all seriousness…is this really something that appeals to a girl?:astonished:


We weren’t. My mother in law is the best, 86 and one of the kindest persons I know.
Her words to our divorce: “You divorce men not mothers!” :heart:

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lol seriously thought about it :rofl::rofl:
But She bought her dress so we decided we should probably continue with the wedding plans :joy:

Lol ahh those were simpler times :joy:

haha the closer it gets the more this idea sounds better and better :laughing: We still joke about it too lol

It did to me. I didn’t need the stress, over priced dress, food and being the center of attention. I wanted him not all that crap.

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MARRY HERRR! :joy::joy: jk jk but she sounds like she is super awesome :laughing: and wiiiise too :grinning: things don’t always have to end full stop :slightly_smiling_face:

:joy::joy: the missile is airborne I suppose :face_with_hand_over_mouth: plus it sounds like y’all are going into it with a fun mentality so maybe the stress will be kept at a minimum :grin:

:astonished::star_struck: whoaaaaa…oh your puddin’s a smart guy :laughing: soooooo…do you have like… a sister that thinks similarly or something? :thinking::face_with_hand_over_mouth::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl:


Im getting married on June 30th and i was thinking about ob of my favorite song form linkin park to play after we get married but i don’t know if shadow of the day will be a good song or not can u please help me


Well congrats on getting married (or well soon to be haha)

That was my problem too I wanted my favorite Linkin Park song to play during or after too, but Numb and One More Light just didn’t think I could find a good way to include them at all. So maybe like what I found… maybe there is a violin version to the song?


Try one of these maybe?

I personally like the first one the most. Hope it helps! :smile:

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Congratulations @hilaryfol :bouquet:

and I’m not sure I already have, so (maybe) again congrats to you too @justinkilmer :ring:
Good idea to just use the instrumental version! :heart:
At my wedding my stepdad made a little bit of music. And I love when he sings Bob Dylan’s “It ain’t me, babe”, one of my favourites. So he played it.
Now, every time he plays it, he introduces it with this words: “The next song, I had to play on my daughters wedding. No wonder it didn’t work out.”

And also to @anomalia (you withdrawn your sweet post! Again! :kissing_heart: )

“I’m not staying with you, just because you are in love with my mother.”
(My ex during the separation fights …)


Love the wedding song sounds epic


You know I don’t remember if you did or not lol :joy:

but either way thanks!

That is so cool! :smile: Probably one of my favorite Bob Dylan songs too.

I feel like thats how Step-Dads (or just Dads in general) act lol. I’d probably be the same way… but Idk if my child (assuming I have one in the future, probably will) would like my singing voice to begin with :joy:


Yeah! And I love the way, he says “my daughter” :heart:

It sure will! At least at the beginning! :baby: It’s so great to have a Daddy who sings for you!


Good point lol. It’ll just be at the point when they are a teenager that they wount like it :joy:
Then it’s my time to shine!! :joy: :joy:

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I feel like reviving this thread :grin: now - which song made it? What will you wear? When is the bachelor party? Has the tee now an lp logo somewhere? I am curious- you know?! :joy: will we get to see some pics? I’m pretty excited :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you Pat!!!:heart:
@justinkilmer be prepared, German girls are just nuts about American weddings! :laughing:
The mentioning of a bridal shower alone! :pleading_face::star_struck::star_struck::pleading_face:



Lol :joy: exactly :tada::tada::tada:


lol oh boy!

This is the playlist of possible songs that will be played during the seating/ceremony.

The First Dance will be

but the clean version - gotta be respectful

Still working of the Tee @theearlywalker but yes LP needs to be on it some how just because they’ve been a big part of my life!

The Bridal shower was last Saturday and oh my did we get stuff… our kitchen is still full of boxes because we haven’t decided where to put everything :joy:

Bachelor party is August 24th and yes there will be pictures of the Wedding for sure! hopefully there will be for the bachelor party but we are all guys and you know how we can be with taking photos (at least me anyways) Forgetful as can be :joy:


Edit I think its awesome that you can browse through each song in the playlist by clicking next! Sorry get excited over little things like that :joy:


Thank youuuu :blush: - now I can jump into the excitement even more- that’s only awesome- checking the pl - and it already feels like you will both need a lot of tissues … thanx for sharing :sunny::tada::pray:t2:

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Thank you from me too! :star_struck:
:heart: :ring: :bride_with_veil::man_in_tuxedo: :heart:

Wow! Love your first dance song! :notes:

With me, it jumps to the next song on his own. :heart:
