To Any Independent Creative Artist

@chelsea25us I read all genres both fiction and nonfiction. I even read a cookbook, lol.

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Yeah, I like to do research on what my characters will look like. Hair, skin tone, personality, eye color, bunnies, etc. that’s my favorite thing to do and to pick a name that matches them, it has to fit the character.


@chelsea25us I don’t have any titles you could critique. Or did you mean something different? :3

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If you already have ebooks on Amazon I would prolly buy them. I’m always interested in different genres. At home an OCD reader. While driving its almost always a LP cd.

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@intheend in my creative writing class we used character sheets. It’s all good for strictly fictional characters or characters that only have a small part in the book based on a real person. I met a challenge when basing what is going to be a main character, when I based one on Chester, even though his character is strictly fiction, some of his characteristics will be infused with the character. When I started his character sheet I was able to fictionalize him fine, but core characteristics, personality, and some other minor things was where the challenge was, or is. I was like favorite color, ummmm. So, this is what I have been researching. Chester.

Information junkie like me? I’ll read anything (with the exception of Don Quixote.) I can visualize scenes, characters, and dialogue in my head, but I’ve never been able to put the words on paper. So in my mind it stays, hoping to figure out how to unleash someday.

@chelsea25us and anyone else who wants to view this. Amazon Author Page

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@chelsea25us, @intheend, and anyone else. Some authors make stories or a short story collection together, maybe we could too.

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Bought all 4!

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Oh wow, thank you. Happy reading :slight_smile:

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As of right now I am listening to music and making notes and typing them yay.

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Yeah I saw your stuff. I don’t have a kindle, do I need one to get stories?

For some odd reason I don’t like to read but I love to write but I’ll check out your stuff when I get another freedom day ;D

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@intheend I’m listening to Linkin Park about to do a blog in about ten minutes or so. My main story has been put on hold because I need a lot more focus for that. I may have to wait to get my own space, even research have been next to impossible. Blogging is about 90% emotion and 10% free writing for me. Rarely, do I need to do any research for them, unless it is an informative one.

@intheend No, you actually don’t need a Kindle to read Kindle e books. Click Kindle Reading App and an Amazon account I had it on my phone for awhile before getting the Kindle. I want to create LPU members a coupon, but I can’t figure it out.

Well, I just looked around there is no way I can make a coupon any less than the e book price. Bummer. Not by choice, but Createspace won’t allow me and Amazon doesn’t have coupon codes. But, Cradled Darkness (2nd book) is up for a free promotion this month. I’ll let you know when I have it in place.

A lot of my songs are…dark…ish

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@acemasters I wish I still had it,but I wrote it in high school and have no idea where it went to. My mom probably found it, got scared, and threw it away.

Add in: After I wrote this I got an idea of making my main character a singer. My main character in my next book is basically the Queen of Darkness (not the villain), princess right now. It would give me a chance to try out some lyric writing. Terry Brooks and JRR Tolkien did it, why not?

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@intheend It’s a little small, lol

Ah yes. I was adding stories to my phone and then I took this screenshot. I wanna upload a small part of a story on here. Even though it might be filled with errors…I know it will @.@

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Is it the story of how you’re the leader of all these minions and then I come along and overthrow you?

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