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I just had one of those too :joy: Mine was more of a mini doner. Lamb and onion, microwaved.

Craving one of these…


its awesome this one you should try it :wink: :smirk:

Yes I love vodka. All I have is an empty bottle now. Need more haha!

Have you tried any flavored ones?

You mean like these guys?:


We did try those as kids :slight_smile:

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No, more like this:

And my personal favorite:

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Wow I didn’t know they have caramel flavored Vodka!
No aside from Red Vodka and the Schmirnof stuff I haven’t tried any others. I think… :thinking:
Vodka is a great base for cocktails though :yum:

I love that one :grin: (hazelnut flavored )

What does ice flaved vodka taste of? Diluted regular vodka? :stuck_out_tongue:

If you like the sh*t you should try this one:

Is that vodka with honey and peppers? Seems like a treat!

Schmirnof Ice…
Here in Holland it was considered a “cool drink for the teens”, just like Bacardi Breezers.

Now I’m going to pretend I didn’t just hear that terrible pun :stuck_out_tongue:

No pun intended :stuck_out_tongue:

you should be trying to mix some Martini with Smirnoff it’s incredible

omg, if I just read this I start headaching lol

I still don’t get why you guys like vodka so much. The stuff is revolting, I’ve accidentally tasted more pleasant superglue and a bunch of other inedible things.

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you remind me the day i’ve tasted CuSO4 (copper 2 Sulfate) with my bestie at school thank god we didn’t die because according to our teacher its harmful when tasted

Why did you taste that? When I tasted superglue it was by accident when I glued my lips together with a bit of spray back from the brush I was using.

just for fun but it didn’t taste good then we tried tasting paper instead :sweat_smile: :joy: :laughing: