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especially cashew nuts :joy:

we agree as always darling, btw: you ever consired to work as hand-modell? :slight_smile: your hands are too sexy… really :* :hot:

LOL Well thanks but no I’ve never considered that hihi


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Oh nonono, I really hate this topic :smiley: I always regret popping in.

I had Kinder Bueno last afternoon for dinner, now I’m still chewing on ( :stuck_out_tongue: ) my breakfast: sandwiches with fresh goats cheese and ham.

I don’t know how this is called in English, it’s a pretty common dessert here, simple to make and very tasty.

tried making a pizza with avocado, cheese and black olives…

I’m queuing up to takeaway food at a place that is extremely crowded (queued ½ hour already). If I come one hour later, it’ll be even worse.

must be real good food then, if it is worth to wait so long, may I ask, just a crowded Mac or what?

This is what we had yesterday:

Today we will have that too, with some of this:


and this looks soooooyummie… you enjoyed ya day, my fiend?

big hug


No, it’s not, it’s just something completely new to the area (novelty factor)

and what food is this nouvelltie? you really know how to make things exciting…

Unfortunately the nouveauté only works when peuple are curieux :frowning:

oui oui mais quand la curieux reste trop long, it will become odd… Alors, buon appetit… avec la gustation de nouvelles cuisine :joy:

Cheapest one on the menu:


(You were warned @theearlywalker)

#insects? worms? ants? :scream:
wow you ve eaten this???

just a crazy one you are… but tell: how does this tastes?

No, none of that.

Did you even see the pic? @theearlywalker

hahaha and again you got me… ! Really? burned onions chicken? new taste? roasted flavour?

I guess you really didn’t see the pic: