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What is this?

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Caramel cake with a bunch of syrups, crepes with bueno sauce and Oreos and biscuits lol

I was looking for this. It seemed someone put mayonnaise and dropped chocolate powder on you napkin :stuck_out_tongue:
Looks interesting. I will see if I can get this somewhere.

Wowzers! And here I am, enjoying my oatmeal for breakfast…

It comes from this:

It’s really good!

Eating these crisps:

After long pondering I just popped a pizza in the oven.

I ate a boring sandwich. I’m still hungry though.

Treating myself on wine and chocolate.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/dv-02prussen-1-web.jpg

No… I want both :’( Are you sharing?

Sure, here have some:

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Daughter baking this today


I want to puke :money_mouth:

go ahead and feel free me as mommy I am proud

I’m really not feeling well inside.

why? whats up?

I just feel like puking. :frowning:

two options: drink salt water and puke all out or get a shot of alkohol, herbal and hope it s getting better soon


Wow they look like unicorn poop inspired! So beautiful