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From that specific angle it looks like a pizza and a pancake had a horrible accident :stuck_out_tongue:

Also has it got actual cheese in it or is it that dense cream stuff?

Yeah, sorry about that, I was in a hurry. Cream cheese, not regular cheese.

There’s nothing to apologize for lol. I’d never be able to make one :stuck_out_tongue: Anything I cook turns to poison. Come to think of it, maybe I can sell my poison to @intheend :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I didn’t make it, my mum did xD

All I did this weekend was eat and drink like a pig. I’m not even kidding. I do wish I had taken photos of some of the stuff we had, it was too good!

I’m glad you didn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t buy poison I create mines by adding stuff together

Been a long while since I’ve posted smth here:


Came home from a wonderful day at work and didn’t feel like cooking tonight. I opened a can of Lintel soup. I regret that I was too tired to cook my own recipe. Whoever made the canned soup should die in a ditch. What a disgrace.

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It’s a canned soup, what do you expect? lol

You have a point there. But I don’t think all canned soups are gross. I enjoy the canned Champignon Soup and Dutch Peas Soup a lot.

But my God, that Lentil Soup is the worst… :-1:

My mum cooks a nice lentil soup but only when the lentils are from a good company.

I’d take green beans over lentil soup any day. I hate it when it’s too thick, it tastes yukie.

I guess it depends on what you’re used to. I learned my Lentil Soup recipe from a Turkish lady. Creamy and full of flavor but not too thick. I guess kind of like this:

Speaking of Turkish food. Got some Turkish Pizza with cheese that I will have for lunch tomorrow.

[couldn’t find a pic with cheese but you get the idea I guess]

My mum’s recipe is a Bulgarian one and the lentils are whole not blended.

So many different recipes for the same thing. I guess it’s how everyone is used to eating it.

Btw, I don’t get everyone’s obsession with pumpkin spice stuff this time of the year.

I’ve heard that starbucks make some kind of pumpkin coffee and and people go ape sh*t for it. No idea why. I’ve never had starbucks.

Yeah, especially Starbucks. I don’t understand how people like that stuff, it’s gross. They don’t even know how to make a decent coffee.

I’ve had starbucks before. I think it’s too much money for a cup of coffee. I rather drink mine elsewhere :slight_smile: Never tried the pumpkin coffee.

I’m sorry (again)

Good thing I’ve got no appetite.