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They are! I’m actually surprised, I like them a freaking lot! Hoisin sauce is not something you expect to taste good lol

What is hoisin sauce?

It’s a Chinese sauce, it has soy sauce, peanutbutter, honey, garlic, vinegar, sesame seed oil and tabasco sauce.

What a weird combination.

I know right?! I wasn’t sure about it but it tastes so good!

Hoisin sauce is yummy :slight_smile: It’s also great with chicken, goat or pig sate.

Hey guys was out yesterday, the “Company” partied, so, I´ve eaten enough for whole 5 days, lol but it was all yummi …the mood was completely aggressive/depressive one, bipolar so called, I left a 20:30h right after dinner, didn´t need to party with uncomfortable working mates…lol, so, good sleep this night. What do you guys ate yesterday´s dinner?

I was out for rakomela last night so, didn’t eat anything.

What’s that?

A mixed alcoholic drink, you drink it warm (not hot but not in room temp either). Looks like this.

So kinda like cognac?

No, not at all. It’s not brandy. It’s a Greek beverage, made in Crete. It’s usually from raki or tsikoudia. Rakomelo is basically raki with honey, cinnamon and clove added to the mix.

All that’s in my house at the moment, except not good flavors

I feel like I don’t appreciate this topic as much because I’m a super picky eater


As of now my bedroom supplies consist of a quickly depleting stack of water, 4 big waffles (of which there were 20 at the start of the week :sweat_smile: - though in my defense my sister took 5), a new box of Cadbury mini rolls and a big galaxy choc bar. So basically junk.

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Sounds like a buffet compared to mine

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Until you actually look at it…

(those are small bottles)

SO COOL! Wish I could have a candy drawer in my room too.

@TripleXero I’ve curry flavored noodles, wanna trade?

Lol, it’s just the box that the waffles came in filled with a load of stuff that I’ve smuggled over time. You should see my bins. The recycling is full of crushed small water bottles and the regualr waste is full of waffle wrappers :joy:

I would much rather have that. I have the spicy beef ones because for whatever reason, despite every other flavor being different colors, they are the same color as spicy chicken and I bought the wrong ones

So you clicked a pic of the things, uploaded it to your system and then took a screenshot?
