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@the_termin8r1 Still though haha!

@TripleXero I prefer chicken over everything else as well.

Yes, because I can only post link pics and screen shots. I can’t directly UL or ctrl +c > ctrl v pics
nice conversation lol :joy:

We had band practice on Friday and made them this Surinamese/Indian dish Roti [chicken curry].
We made too much and it was so good that we had some today too.

I’m stuffed now.

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mhhhhhhh, looks really yummi @gatsie :yum:

It is very yummy but and very filling but it is soooo yummie.

Today we had black and brown bean soup :slight_smile: Yes, soup.

Sit rep:
I’m outta bottles
My waffles are finished
I just went through my last mini roll

But the choc bar LIVES!..for now

You need to stock up!!

didn´t looks real yummy, but it tastes really yummy, but if you cut out a square-pic of the middle of the soup from above, show it without explanation, it may get very diffrent suggestions on than be knewn as a soup…lol

LOL :joy::grin:

@The_early_walker why do you love to ruin food?

but no way, Mr. Leader, cuz I only showed (once again) that “what you see and mean to see varies of the point of view and the perspective”…lol, not only according to food, btw) lol :joy::sunglasses:

Well I still enjoyed my black and brown bean soup, regardless of what it looks like. Sometimes food that doesn’t look that tasty tastes heavenly. And sometimes, food that looks heavenly tastes like shit. This also goes for other situations… btw. haha!

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I just had the worst éclair ever. :frowning:

better luck next time @samuel_the_leader and agree with @queenofunicornpoop lol @gatsie , so many comments these days, lol :joy::grin::yum:

The worst I had had a pastry bit made of card board, filling that was verging on being cheese and choc that was made of rubber. And no I wasn’t so desperately hungry that I ate a toy or something.

I just had the most amazing chocolate pie ever!

Choc pie. That’s a first.

eating beef soup with beef meat, star-noodles and eggs boild slow motion in the soup, yummy, lol

How come?.

Go ahead, make us all jealous with your chocolate pie :stuck_out_tongue: