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I prefer the type of garnishing that doesn’t waste the food. Like, if they cut flowers out of a carrot that’s great just as long as I can still eat it.

at least we agree all together

if it is decorated, and the deco is eatable, no matter, as long as the taste fit´s, and really guys, if I´m really hungry, I eat almost everything, lol

Speaking decorations you can eat… This guy makes the most amazing recipes. I just love his Flowerpot Tiramisu. Would love to try it sometime :smile:

I remember one of his shows where he made a dinner table and absolutely everything on was edible (from the tablecloth to the cutlery to the plates and bowls) and it all look real. I think only the table itself was real so that it could support the weight of everything.

Yes! I think I’ve seen that episode too! Let me loook it up.




I believe this is it?

Yeah, I think it was.

crazy what is all possible with a creative head… I´m impressed, so eaten a

so called “wedding soup” good, cause it´s windy and rainy in Bavaria

Soup is always good with this windy weather indeed :smile:

[ot Hi my dutch princess

how was your day? be back in 5 mins toilette)… sure…stay…sos…

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@The_early_walker my was ok. Painful coughing, runny nose, headaches and sore eyes aside. And my friend, how are you?

Had some amazing pancakes today, so yummy! _

Hi my dutch lady friend,

How I am? mhh, same as you, running nose, buying a lot of headache painkillers these days , my eyes in the moment are looking like that

I love to arrive on Wednesday next week, the last working day, I pray that I can stand it, and I get the power, each and every day again, but sitting here in the morning with my coffee, I need def. more time to recreate me, these 8 hours a night, in these stressfull times (my kids at work usually go crazy if christmas is comming, but this year they all wanna know if they can battle with me and win (haahaha, if this happends I won´t work longer with them) still I win, but it costs lots more of energy than “normal” times at work…
.Look fwd to the holydays, two weeks here in germany, that fit´s really good. So, the front-row-soldier centaur is nearly at her edge…but she´ll makes it!
How ab nervosity status for your service? All work done so far? And xmas shopping? Are you gifting a lot this year? Hows ab your Dads eyes? hug you, let´s go on!

@evooba what make them kind of special good?

Pancakes are always special.

A: aha

Q is there a story behind your pancake-love?

ot me so dumb, wrong topic, the A/Q, forget it…

Nope, I just love pancakes. Sweet and salty, I don’t mind.

I love them more thin, like a wrap, also sweet&salty…lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve had boring food all day. Another ham and mayo sandwich, a crappy bake at home pizza, a couple of snickers and that’s it.

Hiya @The_early_walker Kids can be energy drainers. But it’s good that you hve two weeks off to have some time away from that. That’s nice :slight_smile:

The flu sucks, but I have good faith that before Christmas it’ll be over. Looking forward to a big chrismas service followed with a day of relaxing :slight_smile:

I’m glad my appetite is slowely coming back too. Stumbled on this picture online of a grilled cheese wrapped in bacon right and it just made my mouth water and I am considering to make one right now.

I found out we’re going to my aunt’s for Christmas. That means a) really good food or b) turkey, which I hate, therefor no food.

Also, why do people call toast “grilled cheese?”

ot am I´m the only one bored of these forbidden or set yourself think on postings shit, they had nearly at every post from my side, newerdays - comments like:

Info from LPU as I want to give an answere @gatsie and @evooba
Let others join the conversation

This topic is clearly important to you – you’ve posted more than 22% of the replies here.

Are you sure you’re providing adequate time for other people to share their points of view, too?

is this a moralic questiont? I would not say anything, if we´re mb 100 ppl in here, but please, we´re 4 or 5 persons frequeently posting so it´s clear that 1/4 or 1/5 of the posts ARE MINE: So at least “Sorry, dear LPU that I try to keep you alive!”

Stopp this shit, wanna know,how you are @gatsie, you got a flue? Is your voice ok? Did you eat well yesterday?

@evooba: that´s a question for the A/Q topic, mb cause of the 80%cheese this sandwich is made of?