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It’s beer mixed with soft drinks and yes, has lemon 99% of the time. It’s more like a bad tasting soda than beer to be honest.

at least it´s like 1/2 beer & 1/2 lemonade, Vol alc mb 2,5 °%, I don´t know, but I like it…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve had beer with cloudy lemon (not with soft drinks though) and it’s an odd taste but I like it. Not better than proper beer though.

Nothing’s better than pure beer lol

that fit´s I agree, nothing better than pure


Why is there a hanger tag thing on the beer? :laughing:

to move it, that´s called “a Maß” here in Bavaria, 1l pure beer…

Are you that dumb?

[ot you sure know why you didn´t got the regular badge until now? If not, than let me as your buddie (i hope) tell ya: cause of such posts, not knowing sth doesn´t mean smo is dumb [ot edit remembrs me at the MFR donations download, you know what you get from me?)
Heartache alarm

Shall I now call 112?]

OT: Is it because I got flagged the other day?:

[ot I think so…maybe, they are watching, each user, that is regular on, so we can feel sure in here, in our NON-VIOLENT-ZONE out of the normal, crazy hurting world…
So, yes it may be ´cause of that]

(OT: Sorry, too busy with our new found “messaging technique”, neglected the rest of the forums)

I agree

(ot yeah,

nice man,
so why isn´t your cooking tasty??? You tried to cook on a recipe? @samuel_the_leader

It would seem so :laughing: is it something else?

Well, I just got myself some Bubur Manado [its a thick rice soup with chicken and veggies].

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Went to friday’s for lunch with some coworkers and that’s what we had:

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Am I the only one who finds the chef making a mess of your plate for the sake of aesthetics really annoying. Like, what purpose do the herbs sprinkled around the rim of the plate in the top pic serve?

Yup, LP messing up ur food would be more entertaining than that.

I don’t care about looks as long as it’s tasty lol

Neither do I but I’m the sort of person that does things only if they serve a purpose.