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Grocery shopping.

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ok grocering shopping is done, now I open a bottle of
Question: What would you like to drink right now :sunglasses:

What did you open?

that´s still the question, supervise me…

so I decide to drink german Radler, you know what this is?

Ewwwwww. I always wondered how people can drink that. So gross. Beer is meant to be drank plain and not mixed. It’s alcohol, not lemonade.

but it´s tasty and if you´re thirsty, for me it´s best, good feeling lemonade, earth is gravely enough

It’s not tasty at all, and if someone is just thirsty they shouldn’t be drinking alcohol, that’s why we have water and/or refreshments.

[ @evooba but I never said I´m straight edge, I´m drinking alkohol, from time to time at paries I may even get drunken, what is wrong? If you decide for yourself not to do, than please stay tolerant…

What do you think, why are so little ppl online, feels like we four are alone in here stm, real privat,

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I think I get it, she’s thirsty for a “drink”, aka thirsty for alcohol.

@you´re right, @samuel_the_leader, it´s weekend and the only time this weekend, cause of making plans with friends and “dear mummy”
and this lil spare time I enjoy a drink from time to time…:heartbeat:
blasting RAR 2014 through the whole house, dancing,

Nandos are amazing!!! I wish we had them here.

You have to move!! That’s all there is to it lol
A life without nandos is a life without love

mb show a pic? :grinning:

If I had a choice I wouldn’t have moved out in the first place, believe me.

Also, wagamamas is epic too!

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Never tried waggamamas, what do they do?

It’s an Asian place, serves mostly Japanese food and it is SO good! (Apart from original Japanese restaurants that is).

Wait I’m lost, is this beer with cloudy lemon?

I think so…