The smart questions thread

It’s only 40 posts, and only about 2 or 3 of them are mind benders. lol

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Yes, the concept of purpose I also believe is one fabricated by the human being. All of this is an experience of opposite actions that both cause certain reactions. We try to find meaning, where there isn’t such, as our consciousness being one that influences us to label differences, prevents us from understanding what all this is. And yes, the differences in ideologies cause a shitstorm. Just look at how many wars have gone on through eons of us humans being on this plane of existence. We can be happy, with what we have come to conclude is our personal happiness, even though they are also connected to the memes of societal expectations.

Unfortunately, with all the chaos caused by the discernment of what way of living is correct, it is further enabled by our leaders that push such atrocities upon us. We fight for ideologies and “truths” made by others, but keep the cycle going through means of not understanding the complexity of life. For even the evil that exists here, has a role into the “goodness” that we all live. This has happened many times, where great civilizations strive and become an epitome of what a society should be, but collapse because of said biases and disagreements.


That is true, but as a species we are conditioned to just “go with the flow” so to speak. Life can be what you want to make it, as long as we aren’t harming others, with of course, certainly is the opposite in these instances.

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The answer will always be subjective. To me is according my mood.

I’m not sure if this question must go here:
If a ghost can’t hurt you, why everyone have fear of them? I mean they can’t take a knife or a gun and kill you. Other thing I don’t understand is how can they move the things?

The fear is psychological at 2 levels. First, even if your hand is numb and it is hit with a hammer, your brain will make you scream. While you may not feel the pain at the moment, the human brain understands that it is being hurt and provides a response. Second, the fear of unknown. Anything we dont understand, we seek an exolanation. Often things are categorised into super natural, both friendly and unfriendly. People do not fear angels or santa, but fear ghosts.
The human brain is a marvelous piece.


You speak as if ghosts exist.

My favorite phrase.

They do, no as we see them in the movies, but you can’t deny their existence.

This goes more into the supernatural/occult parts of life. As mentioned before the logical and illogical make this world go round, they are connected. Unfortunately, some people don’t believe because not many have said experiences, but well voodoo, witchcraft, etc. all do exist and even have beliefs upon them. I know for sure through my South American culture witchcraft is practiced by people for riches. I have had experiences like that in my early adult life.

It is a wide-range of a subject matter honestly, which at the moment, I think its best to be kept under wraps lol. I do believe this also plays a role as to “why” things are the way they are in our current society, though I will leave that for another chat, of course if this interests you then just hit me up xD.

Some people seek explanation, others just shrug it and go on with their daily routine. Though I choose the former, as it has helped understand how the positive/negative aspect intertwine and make this world, this society a possibility. This as mentioned, leans more towards Occult knowledge.

I can and do, won’t go into an argument though.

I won’t discuss this, bit I just want to know your point of view.

I just don’t believe in them, there isn’t enough objective evidence to support it for me.

:crazy_face: oh mannnnn :joy: you think too highly of me bro, im an old ass dude still wanting to do that but about as close to the degree as you are
Like @Woco21, I’ve got plenty of brains but funds/work/stupidity have kept me from diving full on into it :sweat_smile:
I’m as Mexican as you can get bro, landscaping :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve mentioned it before plenty but probably in threads you don’t frequent maybe

Sweet thread by the way!


Don’t forget laziness. Another friend of theirs.



My brain can’t process this. How can I be this misinformed?

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MMM… Sweet Hamster “Mah Mah Mah, my brain hurtz…”

This is more related to Math.

In my case (and all the Spanish speakers, I guess) after the 999 999 999 comes the 1 000 000 000 that number according to my education is a thousand million, but for the resto of the word (English people in particular) is one billion. When one billion comes after 999 999 999 999.

Why does exist this different?

I am glad you guys are enjoying the thread @the_termin8r & @framos1792, it is a mind massaging exercise indeed lol. Now back to the topic, here’s another question:

Why do we sound different on audio recordings?


If I remeber correctly, you hear your voice differently because the sound travels through your skull and head as well as air to reach your ear drums, as opposed to just air to reach a mic. As a result, the sound you hear is slightly distorted. The recording is how you actually sound.

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I am assuming this would be a better of how we are taught. In the UK they say “Math” as “Maths” and such. It is the memes of education and how we are taught it I believe, I mean, I’m from America but understand what you mean.