The smart questions thread

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The panic has finally hit uni. My lects have been cancelled (I had 2 weeks and literally 6 lects :joy:) and my exams are either going to be done online (best case scenario, for obvious reasons) or they’re being postponed.

At least now I don’t have to travel in and I can catch up on projects. It means I can also finally go for a haircut (that’s how busy I’ve been). :joy:


In a nutshell, this.


Hm, to say Italy has more cases, cause they test more, plays down the catastrophic situation in the hospitals there.
It’s one thing that it affects old and already diseased people harder. Something else, have to decide to not treat persons, cause there are younger once with better surviving chances.

With the other part I totally go along.
I try not to hate and to blame, but that all this racist assholes now going off, accuse refugees and asian people :nauseated_face: Just want to barf. :face_vomiting:
And finally take Corona as a good reason to do nothing about the devastating situation on the greek turkish border? :sob: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:



Can you? Barbershops are closing here as well, I mean wtf

I got my haircut this morning, I was the only client there, it was great :joy:. Random fact: I’ve been going to the same barber since I moved to this country some 17 or so years ago.


Check this out. World Economic Forum tested a pandemic simulation back in October 2019. One month later, the corona virus breaks out. Coincidence?

:joy: :joy: you always go for the conspiracy theories :kissing_heart:

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It’s all crazy

The Chinese (!) curse is ‘May you live in interesting times’. And here they came. Even here.
I’m looking around and wondering if a kind of Orson Welles’ trick is being played on us or what.
I’m wiping my eyes to read the unbelivable Italian statistics once more.
I’m not afraid of being infected. I wonder what the world after :crown: will be.


i stole the big bottle they have in our port a potties :rofl: then they go clean it out each week and just keep stealing it :monkey: gotta do what you can

typing this i realized i coulda taken the TP
SOAB :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :man_facepalming: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

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i just now understood your use of that emoji :sweat_smile:

:pleading_face: :point_right: :point_left: scrolled up to find something and went too far up and one of these came up, so now,… HELLOOOOOO!! check in and let us know youre okay too! hope you and probably more aptly, your family is safe! :hugs:

people panicked too quickly when the field was so large
biden will win the democratic nom, hes more central than most…aside from bloomberg whom i liked, biden stands the best chance to beat trump… and quite honestly, trump is gonna self implode with the coronavirus deal

side note…i said last night to a group, people should look at CA governor Gavin Newsom seriously…i feel like eventually he could make the jump to pres and i’d be all for it
hes unpopular here with some because our state is full quarantine like italy now but hes taking questions on the chin, answers intelligently and with factual numbers, provides a sense of controlled optimism-idk just someone I noticed recently has promise…

As @LP13413 said though… politics now is a polularity contest… and as its said, people are entrenched on one side or the other…theres no middle ground… perhaps this coronavirus thing will snap some people into setting aside some differences idk
trump actually sounded presidential late last week but it didnt last long lmao he went off on a reporter today callign him a bad reporter out of nowhere lol stress is getting to him finally and he’ll get burned in debates/public eye for underestimating everything going on recently…

exactly… i get theres overreaction… the store shortages are people being moronic…but besides that, at least state government here(yeah im putting mroe faith on them then federal) have been straightforward on how what and why they are basing their actions on… not reacting to this is saying goodbye farewell to one or two generations of our older population along with a good chunk of people with diseases (cancer is an underlying disease being commonly mentioned-how prevalent is that in the world? and people dont consider that it can play a role in how affected you could be by corona?)
in italy they were talking about not treating anyone 80+, if thats your parent or grandparent? it wont eff you up to just give up and lay your hands down?
idk…just kinda ranting on here for a bit… im out of a job for some time because of this, thinking big picture though maybe thats not so horrible as losing 20k people(per se to shoot a number out-a number you just read on a screen but visualize that number of people irl)
rather go through it and have it cost some rough times for me rather than seeing that number of people increase
just my way of seeing it


was on nextdoor and saw someone post this from dean koontz’ The Eyes of Darkness written in 1981




Interview with the virologist who advises the German government on its actions

Ah, it’s easy to predict a flu like virus because strains of flu are most prevalent and it was always possible a particularly nasty one would skip along and do some real damage. Fortunately, most people only suffer from a mild form so it’s not a doomsday prediction. The issue is we have an aging population because of medical advancement and thus this is causing more deaths than it would have done even 50 years ago. I don’t buy into any predictions especially if that prediction is about a killer flu because that’s been done already. Predict me a moon that talks or a species of plant that poops maltesers. Then I’d be impressed :smirk:

He’s done worse and survived so I’m not hopeful. I’m really convinced he’s not even human and we’re secretly being taken over by a more orangey race of aliens. That’s a prediction you can quote me on! :grin:

I’m seriously aware of possibly losing my job in the future because of this too. It may be many industries do not recover despite the support on offer because markets will never be the same, at least not for a while. Also, I don’t want to not go to work for weeks or even months, it’s not something we are built for however we have to adjust to this solitary period of our life. In the future we’ll be seen as heroes who survived the great silence of Covid-19. They’ll make movies about us being indoors and quietly crying into our cereal bowls :’) can’t wait.

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Are these photos really from that book? And was it actually written in 1981? If so, that’s crazy. Especially nailing Wuhan as the main city

Yeah, it’s pictures from the book itself, there was a psychic in 98 or something like that that said the same thing too
(X files music plays🎶)


Week three, more and more human rights getting violated across the world as we gradually slip into a global totalitarian police state.

I wonder, has there ever been a worse time in history for basic human freedoms?