The smart questions thread

Yeah, it’s pictures from the book itself, there was a psychic in 98 or something like that that said the same thing too
(X files music plays🎶)


Week three, more and more human rights getting violated across the world as we gradually slip into a global totalitarian police state.

I wonder, has there ever been a worse time in history for basic human freedoms?

Umm…Slavery? WW2 camps? Various stints from dictators in various contries?


Lmao :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
Moses’ people under the egyptians(?)

Don’t mean to be a jerk rick…personally I think people must assume responsibility and be open to giving up some sense of freedom in return for a measure of order

Simply put we shouldn’t get our undies in a bunch because we’re being asked to cut back on our lifestyles
A good portion of the population gladly do it if it means overall well-being


Are we talking about kids in Bangladesh working for global companies who want to cut labour cost down or about African kids used as soldiers in local conflicts? No, no one cares about it. We are talking about freedom of people from (relatively) rich countries to go out and spend money in the way they used to do it and have fun. I don’t feel that my rights are violated now. But it may change.

Probably, some ‘clever’ people at power are trying to change law to benefit from it as much as they can. Here in Poland, they proceed to do make it still possible the presidential election on May 10th even if people would have to vote not personally but by correspondence. It is off course criticised abroad an in Poland. But I guess it`s too much to say that human rights are violated here. It’s just a political game which I don’t even try to understand.

Do you remember, guys, when they violated our right to bring things like knives and immflamables on board a plane after Sept. 11th, 2001? Some of you are maybe too young to remember and they may think it’s normal that such things are under control in airports.
Or look at the basic rights from the different perspective. In US the right to have a gun is a basic right. Here in Europe - not really. The most of don’t think of it as a basic right or even need.

It’s not that I’m happy to stay at home all the time. And that I can’t see all the catastrophic visions of the future world created by media or some politicians who try to win as much as they can in this situation. Personally, I’d like to go out and live as I did before. But I’m not sure if what I think would be better for me is better for the humanity.

The basic question is what is more important: so called human rights or taking any measures to stop the pandemia. Maybe someone would see some adventages of the virus that kills the weakest and the most vulnerable members of the society. (I’ve heard some voices that the virus will turn out to be beneficial for the earth.) Is it a kind of totalitarism to force people to stay home? Don’t we remember the system that wanted to eliminate all the sick and disabled and keep alive all the blond, blue-eyed and athletic ones?
What would you choose as the head of your country?

Your fingers and toes are not enough to count worse times and worse places to live throughout the history. @the_termin8r and @framos1792 mentioned some of them.

But on the other hand, how people get the virus if everybody stays at home? Does it make point to stay at home if on my Day 1 we had 49 people proved to be infected (and no one dead) and now on my day 21 we’ve got 2420/36?


The amount of times I’ve gotten reply and tag notifications for a post only to find it deleted is so annoying.

Why do you keep doing this? :joy:

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Because it’s China, they’re professional liars. :joy:

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Sorry, Dear. I had to rethink and complete it.

Cause I replied here by mistake. I’m not smart enough to post in the smart questions thread.
Just tagged you to confirm that you gave better examples of violating human rights than we are experiencing now.


I agree pretty much with all you said :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The striking point of it all lol…

Also, China underreported by tens of thousands of deaths and they do so because they don’t care for human life

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It’s like a flu or even a cold for the most of people. But it strikes the weakest in the same time.

You shouldn’t take me serious! :rofl:

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Maybe I should move over there. :joy:

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Are you seeing improper police action where you are? A lot of people do value their lifestyles and find enforcement difficult to accept. I’d like to believe the police are not our enemies but our protectors. Although they don’t always do the right thing because they’re human (common flaw). I’d be surprised if these measures stick long-term after a cure has been found to work successfully. Some countries may exploit changes in the law - again bloody humans - but we also have a voice. We should be voting for the right leaders in the first place. By allowing very questionable leaders to take charge because it was financially advantageous or conformed to your narrow beliefs will ultimately destroy you in ways you could never imagine. You reap what you sow.


Long post, here we go

Looking at a worldwide perspective and at the same time I mean. Nearly all the developed countries are locked down, people are getting spied on and being harrassed by the state at a massive scale. I don’t think we’ve ever seen it like this before.

Don’t worry, I don’t think you’re a jerk :smile:. But I must disagree with this. Giving up freedom never leads to more order, only more chaos.

Does the fact that we are relatively rich matter when it comes to freedom and rights?

In my opinion, human rights should never be violated, no matter what’s at stake. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we shouldn’t be responsible and look out for each other. I agree it’s important to stay vigilant and be careful with this virus situation. All I’m saying is that the measures that governments are forcing upon us are insane and violating our basic rights.

Yes, police are patrolling the streets fining people for coming together with more than two persons. I mean what the heck.

Hasn’t that always been the case since like forever? When has voting for the ‘‘right guy’’ ever, in history, resulted in anything positive for society as a whole? All leaders or politicians eventually break their promises and get corrupted, because the system is designed that way.

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There has been good leadership, this is where your so-called freedom came from love. If you voted for the right “person” you wouldn’t be so afraid when shit like this happens. We already know they’re corrupt and unjust to begin with, so they will probably take measures like this to their advantage and only the poor and vulnerable will suffer - as we are seeing right now.

If you think fines and dispersing more than two people is taking away your freedom, you really don’t understand the word freedom.

I’d like to ask what rights of yours you feel have been violated now?
Off course, I’m not saying that we shouldn’t be careful about what politicians are doing now.
But I don’t feel that violating of human right is the same as a kind of political game. But I understand this political game may theoritically lead to dictatorship in the future for example which we wouldn’t like.

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This happens all day, everyday and has been for ages, it’s just nobody notices or cares.

That’s not improper police action. They’re doing their jobs like they’re meant to. How else are lockdown rules meant to be enforced? You can’t rely on good will.


I’d honestly prefer if no action was taken by the government and 10x as many people were dying because I value my own ego over the well-being of the world. But that’s just my opinion.

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Ah, the “the world is already overpopulated-this is a necessary rebalancing of the population” train of thought? :thinking:

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