The smart questions thread

From the scientific point of view dreams are I guess manifestation of chemical/physical/biological processes in our brain structures.

From the psychological point of view they are manifestation of ideas hidden deep in our subconscious.

Both statements above seem to be true but they represent different approaches.

My dreams are compensation for my everyday life. In my dreams I find myself surrounded by nature or travelling, rambling through hotel rooms, corridors, foyers and so on. I’m not conscious of my age – I guess sometimes I move back to my (or any other) student’s hostel. I meet people and I seem not to have any interpersonal problems.

Sometimes I meet people who died but while I dream I’m not aware of this. My late brother - a few times a year. My school mate – very often. My father – once or twice in my life… I wonder why as I didn’t have any closer relation with them at all when they were alive.

Practically, I don’t have nightmares. Only once or twice I experienced something funny. I had no dream that night (or forgot it as they say) but woke up in the middle of the night with a strange feeling that something evil (but what?) is around.


Anna I found your response most interesting as I also dream very vividly (when I can remember) and sometimes they trouble me more than not. I haven’t had memorable dreams for a little while, say a few months, but recently I keep having very vivid dreams and sometimes I can relate them to a memory or something I have seen/experienced but other times they are completely different. I won’t talk about the last dream I had, I’d classify it a nightmare but I did as you suggest and write it down in a story.

How do you control this? :thinking:

The theory of thoughts are definitely interesting. Freud suggests my first point of “entertainment” in that they protect the sleeper by keeping them in REM state by dreaming. Typical science view.

Ferenciz as Jung/Jordan suggest it’s a subconscious tool communicating introverted thoughts/experiences/wishes and processes everything we do not have the capability of doing during the day.

Another school of thought for nightmares relates to preparing for possible negative situations and events, for example by dreaming you flop a job interview you are already emotionally able to recover from that failure if it becomes true.

There is very little research that explains the purpose of dreams, but our brain activity is stronger while we sleep and the brain uses twice as much oxygen during sleep which in itself is strange. It virtually takes more brain power to dream.

Your dreams do appear to link closely to real life which is perhaps more comforting as my dreams of family/friends are generally positive unless something bad is happening to them. I’m glad you don’t have nightmares. As someone who has had quite a few bad nightmares and has awoken to a painful memory/ upset from what I saw you can’t help but feel it’s real and lay awake trying to reassure yourself it doesn’t mean anything…


I don’t think, I control the dreaming.
I control the remembering.
Don’t know how it worked.
But it did.
And at that times, it let me survive.
It wasn’t the bad dreams that haunted me the most. Actually it were the good dreams. Turning reality in my wishes. Awakening ment going back to hell. I just couldn’t anymore.
So I decided to stop dreaming. Not only in sleep times.
It kept me alive.

I am in a big changing process right now.
One thing is, to try to be totally honest to me and everyone else.
So dreams entering my memory again.
It is maybe good.
But also totally exhausting.
Take the peace of the sleep.
I dream a lot about people here.
Real ones, but why more often in boxes and writing. So when I wake up, I have to check witch conversation actually happend and which was just a dream.

Passenger song lyric, saved me at that dark times:
Well if you can’t get what you love
You learn to love the things you’ve got
If you can’t be what you want
You learn to be the things you’re not
If you can’t get what you need
You learn to need the things that stop you dreaming
All the things that stop you dreaming


Maybe it’s some form of lucid dreaming? I’ve never been able to have such experience but I’d like to learn it.

Also, good analysis guys! Taking all possible views into account here.


Ok a question for the Americans @framos1792 @LP13413 @lplove (I don’t know who else here is?) Are the democrats even trying to win the election? It feels like they’ve chosen another poor leader that won’t appeal to many voters. But are they doing it on purpose? Do you think they’re quietly trump supporters and don’t actually want to win? Sometimes it feels like political parties benefit more by allowing the other party to remain in power and often privately share their views. Or do you believe trump has been “good” for America and you think he deserves to stay? Just intrigued by the views over there.

Honestly - and I hate to say this - as much as the Democrats try, I feel like the elections have turned into such a popularity contest that Donald J. Trump is going to win again. From what I’ve been seeing in the news, the leader in the Democratic polls seem to change all the time, so there really doesn’t seem to be a clear-cut winner.

As far as Trump, the only positive takeaway from his presidency (in my opinion) is that the oil and gas prices have remained low. I’m not a fan of some of the decisions he’s made, or some of the bills he’s signed into law.

I would also love it if somebody could disable his Twitter account, or take away his freedom of speech.


American politics has become incredibly divided. There’s no middle ground. Trump is super conservative while Bernie is super liberal. And I assure you no democrat likes Trump :joy: The man is a moron.

I do agree tho that the democratic nominees aren’t the strongest. As much as I hate to say it I don’t see Bernie winning the presidency. If the Democrats want to win again they gotta find someone closer to the middle ground who can win over some of the conservatives. Bernie is a borderline socialist.


Honestly one big problem with the democratic party, it’s so divided, and they spend a lot of time arguing instead of working together, and instead of getting behind one strong candidate, and coming up with a strategy to beat trump, they just get more divided. Just my opinion


Absolutely no Democrat likes trump. He’s a fucking moronic child and needs to get out of the oval office. I do agree that someone needs to get him off twitter and take away his freedom of speech… nice one LP13413!

Unfortunately, the dems don’t have a great nominee to choose from. There are still many nominees but you only hear about maybe 10. Some nominees prob should’ve made it to the town halls but didn’t bc they couldn’t raise funding. The older and younger generations are split, straight down the middle… and I’m stuck in the middle of that. :roll_eyes: I believe non-trump supporters are worried bc another 4 years with this child… idk wtf is gonna happen.


Yeah I’d be surprised if anyone on here supported him. He doesn’t even look fucking human half the time but mostly it’s the people behind him that are really the issue. I doubt the opposition are trying to win. It’s very easy to say you disagree with someone but actions speak louder.

In Google Chrome, I use an extension called Make Kittens Great Again. It replaces nearly all pictures of Donald Trump with pictures of cute kittens.


I have a big question rn… What do you guys think about the corona virus and its consequence?

Now everywhere in Italy is considered dangerous… every single person who’s going out has to bring a certificate (you can print it from Internet) where you say who are you and why you’re out (work,shopping etc); police checking points are in significant points of the cities; you can’t go out to see relatives or friends; you can go buy food and can enter 2 or 3 people at a time, staying far away from each other and cashiers have to put on gloves,mask and disinfect after every client; supermarkets and restaurants can stay open till 18:00; schools and universities are closed;pubs,theaters,cinemas, gyms etc have to stay closed and so on…
As for me… at work I have to put on the mask all day, change the gloves often, wash the hands often, go to eat maximum 6 people at a time and take seat far away from each other; go to the vending machine to take the coffee or other things one person at a time :mask:


I think it’s serious in affected areas, otherwise, everyone else is overreacting. Over here you can’t get hand gel, soap, toilet paper, basic medicine and other such things. People are going so far as emptying hand gel dispensers from hospitals into their own bottles.


Yeah… :disappointed_relieved:

It sounds like Italy are trying their best to contain the spread - which is wise given how quickly it spread. There is nothing like that in the UK at the moment although there has been panic buying as @the_termin8r says and it’s very sad if people are stealing from hospitals which are there to help those who really need it! A couple of important points:

  1. “Emotional contagion” is more dangerous than the virus itself. Panicking and becoming hostile doesn’t help the situation and only ripples your anxiety and fear throughout society. Try to maintain rational thinking and positive decision making, don’t let the media or others bring you into the swirl of negativity. Follow the expert medical advice and don’t listen to hearsay. “Just as ripples spread out when a single pebble is dropped into water, the actions of individuals can have far-reaching effects.”

  2. If you stock pile medicine / hand gel you are only depriving everyone around you from cleaning their hands / relief, therefore rapidly excelerating the spread and fear. We all need each other to be well to contain this long-term if we value freedom and social interaction. (Yay the Internet?)

  3. The majority of people will have flu/cold symptoms and recover. The most important thing we should all keep in mind is NOT to spread germs to those who are vulnerable and elderly and most at risk from this. Don’t go out if you develop any of the symptoms and call for advice. Wash your hands and cover coughs and sneezes. We should all be doing this anyway. If you smoke, give up NOW because even stopping for 48 hours improves the ability of your lungs to function.

  4. The little bit of positivity to come from this is hopefully everyone will improve hygiene practices and we’ll eradicate smoking :pray:


Oof. They just announced all our university classes will be online until further notice. Smh. Idk how we’ll do studio now.

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So is everything getting moved to CAD? What if you moved your stuff into your room?

Everything prob will have to be digital, like CAD, Rhino, Revit, and Photoshop. Unless people have a way to model and draw from home.

We just heard yesterday so I’m hoping we get more info about what they expect us to do over the next few days. It might involve a lot of video chatting.

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Good question @lpfan61. In my opinion it’s getting bloody ridiculous. We’re talking about a new kind of flu here, but one that has done far less damage than regular flus. People are overreacting just like @the_termin8r says and spreading unnecessary panic. Meanwhile governments are taking more and more of our rights away every day, especially in countries like Italy.