The My Cookie Thread

You failed, because you gave me a bottle and not a can, so I still have my cookie.

I was thinking about a can, but a bottle has more in it which should keep you going longer, plenty of time to take my cookie.

But hysteria only occurs when it’s canned, I’ve been fine with bottled Fanta, thus, I still retain my cookie.

But you told me your weakness and now the cookie is mine, my cookie.

As it became night you were exhausted, then you fell asleep, that was the moment when I took MY COOKIE :cookie:

your curiosity has got the better of you again so i take me cookie

But then you had a lyric line in your head- from out of the sudden- you grab a pencil, a paper and as you started to write, it was again MY COOKIE :cookie: :joy:

(So you can stay up longer than me @theearlywalker??? :joy:)

And then you took a coffee break and the cookie became mine again, my cookie :cookie:

Ha! While I drank my coffee you fall asleep cuz it was 3am yourside- my occasio to take back MY COOKIE :cookie:

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Lol, but I am awake now, and I take back my cookie while you are lazybutting, my cookie.

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I don’t have time to lazybutting so I went on just to take back MY COOKIE!!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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You accidentally dropped it and I was there somehow so I caught it and now it belongs to me, my cookie!

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But then you had the intuition for a new chord on your guitar and it overwhelmed you to play it Immidiately- time for me to grab MY COOKIE :cookie::joy:

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You can’t lazybutting now with the cookie…go do the laundry!!! :rofl: :joy: :laughing: and that’s MY COOKIE!

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:joy::joy:- wait- wasn’t it the lizard taking a sunbath in your backyard? You couldn’t resist to pic this cutie- looool- and I took back MY COOKIE :cookie::joy:


Lololoool :joy: Today’s raining, so no lizard’s pic! muahahaha! taking back MY COOKIE!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Lol, but now the lizard is on your mind and I take back my cookie :cookie:

I confused you lol with my new profile so I take my cookie

Everybody needs to rest, while I’m enjoying the night with MY COOKIE! :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes but you go to sleep soon I am up for another for 3 to 4 hours after you have gone to bed so when you go to bed I take my cookie back