The My Cookie Thread

Pero como no sabes español y necesitas usar el traductor aprovecharé para tomar mi galleta.

My cookie.

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Guter Versuch- aber das kann ich auch - und während Du das in den Übersetzer eingibst hol ich mir MY COOKIE :cookie:

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Ich nicht, keine Notwendigkeit für einen Übersetzer, HA! My cookie! (I don’t even know if this is correct to be honest)


:joy::joy::joy: lmao - great one- for now you deserve the cookie :rofl:


Ich liebe euch mit alle my meine herz I know I did this wrong but I tried @theearlywalker

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Awwwww :heart_eyes: thanx and love you too :kissing_heart:

It’s funny because I can’t speak German, but I understand it (just some words) Jajaja

Ok, so now, we’re using our maternal language… But… If I used another language :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: jk I can’t make full sentences in other languages, even I know a little of French, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Kaqchikel, Achi, German.

However you’re losing your time reading my post. I’ll take my cookie.

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Guten ich oui pasa not casa arigato kartoffel amour gehen lass uns gehen monopole why gusto banane papel.

When you’re trying to get what’s the meaning of this sentence, it becomes my cookie!

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och medan du försöker att göra det menar jag att jag tar tillbaka min kaka

my cookie :cookie:

What’s happening here??! :exploding_head: :scream: While you all are confusing things with different languages I take MY COOKIE!!


Lol, arent you French though? You could always argue too :joy: while you decide I take my cookie :cookie:

You know you’re picturing him doing this in the Spider-Man outfit. :joy: As you watch I take my cookie

There are like 5 languages there: German, Spanish, Japanese, English and French.

Are you a minion?

I am not confused at all :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t watch videos, so it doesn’t affect me. Let me take back my cookie.


But then you have to get back to making music and writing your book, and the cookie is mine, my cookie :cookie:

But you forgot that it’s you cooking dinner today, while you start, I take it back :joy: - MY COOKIE :cookie:

Sorry, you have to work. While you prepare yourself for that. I’ll take my cookie.

But you go to sleep before me, plenty of time to take back my cookie :cookie:

But you live far far away from me, so you must pay a fly to come here first. While you do that the cookie stays here.

My cookie :stuck_out_tongue:

I already had the :unicorn: take it right out from under you while you were typing the last post :joy: my cookie :cookie:

No, I’m Italian :smile:

You’re sleeping now, my chance to take back MY UNICORN!! :unicorn: :heart_eyes: aheeaam!! :speak_no_evil: MY COOKIE! :yum: :joy: