The MICRO - MACRO game

so at @Spelling_Mistake, have a short look above, you have to post a Macro orMicropic, and we´ve to guess, what it may be lol :stuck_out_tongue:

:grin: maybe you should left some hugs for them too not only for Sheepy :joy:

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hug for teased feeled guy swith no reason [att walker english ]???and keeping them feel victimized fo rnothing??:scream: never!!! [becomes funny with you @susannchen :joy:]

sorry, here a picture

coffe beans lol no sorry adaptor availabl [:kissing_smiling_eyes:]

i made a spelling mistake :open_mouth: but its wrong also

a spelling mistake lol :joy: having fun


no, but if you really want you can it it… it does not taste really good.


Are these brumbles?

OT: @The_early_walker kinda weird, isn´t it? Normaly we :girl::woman: feel like that fast. I tell you :hugging: will help, no matter they feeling victimized for no reason. All you need is love :heart_eyes: (turnes youtube on to hear the song)

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women stuff a bracelett…lol @lpuhq: women [not all but me…:joy: like to find braceletts and …mh how do the things for the neck s calling??? ]] stuff like this, material leather, silver…etc even GOLD

Caviar? …

No, 4 more turns, think out of the box

Raindrops on some type of surface?

your carpet lol

Wet tarmac?

it is a choclate bagle I think…yummie [ot think time for breakfast…:coffee::bread:] homemade to enjoy :grinning:
edit: btw…lol, the eggs I cooked became stones…:joy::sunglasses:

It is a slug named Cookie Monster.

where is my buddy @amitrish ??

You can eat slugs? :S