The MICRO - MACRO game

Is it some kind of wool?

A toy animal with a mechanical skeleton?

Good guess @the_termin8r

The reason you post Mike making that face is to show how much you’re teasing us :laughing:

I was wondering why that was there.

I think it is a toilet cleaner brush.

how many guesses already 10???

taggin @spelling_mistake Dudette :blush:

You can use it as mop as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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a secret: I use it for everything, my lil sheepy lol :joy:

Oh come on, I was right when I said a toy.

mhhh you didn´t mentioned the black earphon adaptor [such as used in hospitals for tv or in Lufthansa planes lol :joy: it was above on sheepies mob…
so if spelling mistake is not arriving, you go, mb 1hr?

oooookaaaaaay… poor sheepy :wink:, what´s the name?

sheepy lol :blush:, the guys feel teased, poor guys…always victimized, poor guys…:scream:
and btw @susannchen sheepyis real happy with me, mb I make an account for sheepy as “alter ego” like sm othersoldiers lol :slight_smile::blush::relaxed::grin::grinning::smiley::smile::sweat_smile::laughing::sunglasses:

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thats easy, its cousin of my friend MR. Wool Albert

hey thanx for arriving here at least so fast…to meet you, you know the rules? [ what is the name of your …sheepy?

You keep a sheep on your dashboard? Or is that not a car?

Sheepy likes to get in touch with Mr. Wool

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Its Mr Wool Albert. sorry for being late, i am watching hockey

@the_termin8r what can you do, the sheep loves to pose. He was just hanging around,

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But doesn’t it obstruct your view?

its not there all the time, only when i have to wait for someone :smiley: then we hang around with Wool.

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