The MICRO - MACRO game

<3 @intheend please join plug on halloween, ya won t regret bunny

At 10 guesses you reveal what it was and tag somebody.

I understand this now buttface

Can’t get on

shall I tag somebody then? :slight_smile:

I tagged @jFar920 D:<

ahh ok didn t saw, he tagged you too in the tag thread… :slight_smile:

What am I doing?

Just post a pic with something on it, you Photographed from close up! Scroll a bit, it is selfexplaining :stuck_out_tongue: like sesamestreet! We guess what it might be and After the 10th wrong guess ya post the solution!

Yeah, just take a pic, crop it to a smaller size, post the new fragment for us to guess what it is. If we don’t by 10 guesses, then post the original and tag somebody new.


So what happened here?

Jordan is sleeping lol @jFar920 :stuck_out_tongue:

Oops, forgot about this. I’ll do it when I get home

get ya ass home and join the plug man @jFar920 like there s no tomorrow… :joy:

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Some kind of robot? Specifically the upper right arm.

It looks like wall-e

But wall-e isn’t white.

It is a robot, it’s not WALL-E


lol :wink: