The MICRO - MACRO game

I think you mean EVE and it most likely isn’t, she’s more rounded and has flat arms.

in germany she is called EvA, lol @jfar920 he is right?

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No, it’s not EVE/EVA, but it is a familiar name

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Whatever it is, @evooba won’t be amused. :stuck_out_tongue:

I imagine that is what robot boy in is like in real life.


So it’s called in Russia, lol

A drone?

Not a drone. Here’s another hint, it’s video game related

That’s how her name is pronounced, from what I remembered.

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That’s how wall-e says it because he can’t speak properly. Why do I know all of this?

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ya an external store bot! :wink:

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So did everyone give up?

is it robot boy? @jFar920

Robot boy was blue and silver. I never did watch that cartoon.

Yes, and the ten guesses are guessed?
last one

give us the solution !

It’s been 5 guesses.

we on Rob, Jordan too, and Eva…

Need to charge…

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It’s called a “R.O.B.” (Robotic Operating Buddy). It was a toy that worked with the original Nintendo Entertainment System that would play games with you. This one isn’t the original, it’s a little figure version of it. It’s now been a playable character in Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart.

I do really want a real one though.

Do I tag someone now then?

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Nice One! Yes go ahead and Tag someone :smiley:
