The MICRO - MACRO game

No and no @gatsie -.- a rat. Really

I saw a rat rummaging through a discarded sandwich box today.

…my sister was bit by a rat. She’s still normal :3 for now >:3

The rat traits come into the human system in waves. Then BANG she’s suddenly dressing up and rummaging through the sewers late at night, her alias: Rat Woman

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lol, who goes btw @NickGr , pl tag sbd

I put a picture up, people are still guessing. Poopies.

Dog clothes?

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A scarf or a Skirt? (Sorry!:slight_smile:


@the_termin8r nope
@theearlywalker nopie

some sort of a coat?

@intheend , this is the 10th guess :smirk:


What happens on the 10th guessed? A clue?

It is plaid.

Not like boys, girls wear this.

The system doesn’t accept the quote as a post, and doesn’t allows me to just upload it :triumph:

darn system - no worries… ya like to go on plug mb in 20mins?

Maybe… I have to do my chemistry :confounded:

Did you guys come up with this because of @the_termin8r’s endings posted that non-car nerds couldn’t guess. ;D

(snaps @theearlywalker neck)

Do I post a picture or not? And do I tag someone else?

mhhhh let me EnJOY this cuty moment…

Yes, you post the picture of the entire answer, and tag someone else.


It was a headband. ;D
