The last time I

Ahh This week, I don’t remember which day…

The last time I betrayed myself saying that I’d not do something and I ended doing?

Not really. They are coming to tear the entire bathroom apart next week.

Its okay. They will repair everything. It will take time but problem will be solved :slightly_smiling_face:
Good day friend

On Monday…

The last time I woke up not feeling tired

Week ago
(I didn’t sleep last night… so many stuffs…)

Maths or social sciences

Wrong Game, my friend.

A month ago.

The Last Time I said: I love to someone else?

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Today morning…
“Love you nature”

Last time you played no internet connection dinosaur game

3 days ago.

The last time I felt empty for do things I shouldn’t do, but I still did it?


The last time I felt happy

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Right now

The last time I chilled …



The last time I took care of plants

Yesterday, my orchids are wonderful growing ( proud me) and this

On my table… we care for each other :laughing:

The last time I kicked something in rage?


Many years ago…


Ohh- lol actually maybe last sunday- but just mentalwise :joy::joy:

Last time I ate something just to be friendly but it tasted like poop?? :joy:

On Easter… but discretly I gave it to my husband :joy::joy:
The last time I had a fight and it wasn’t my fault?

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A few weeks ago…

Last time you had to carry something really heavy without help

Every day for the last 2 years lol.

Last time you woke in middle of the night and needed to pee but were too tired to get up?

Last night but I did went…lol

Last time you didn’t feel like sleeping whole night… wanted to do something else

Every night. I I have suffered from sever insomnia for nearly 20 years, but due to the physical nature of my job. I need the rest, so I have to force my self to sleep or take a sleep aid, which I prefer not to do.

Last time you did something creative and constructive?

Thats really bad… Hope you are able to sleep nicely now

Yesterday… wrote ballad + made doodles
