The last time I

I don’t know… a week or so ago? I played guitar…

Last time you had a hot drink?

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Chamomile when I was sick about a month ago

Last time I had an ice cream

Last night

Last time I killed something


The last time I forgot the lyrics of In The End?


Last time i felt like dancing!

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Been too long, can’t remember lol.

The Last time you drank soda too fast and it fizzed in your throat and went up into your nasal cavity causing fizzy soda to dribble out your nose?

(FYI it hurts like a b**ch. Just happened to me lol).

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Never. I can’t drink fizzy drinks quickly because for some reason the fizziness is agony for my throat when I gulp it down.

Last time I screamed out of fear?

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I don’t know. Probably never or I just don’t remember. And not 'cause I’m such a brave little girl but simply because when I get scared I just freeze down out of fear with an “OMG I just had a heart attack” face. :joy::joy:

Last time you did something crazy?

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About 10 years ago. (On a dare I ate a small piece of C-4 plastic explosives).

Last time you were so angry you punched something and hurt your hand?


:joy: Why? From where did you get this crazy idea! Lol

Never happened. I never punch while i am angry.

Last time you ate something which you don’t like…


In the picture seems so serious… never expected something this crazy… lol… :laughing:

Some days ago… had to eat a disgusting biscuit to not offend a relative… :nauseated_face:

Last time you lie to someone?

A few days ago.

The last time you began to tell something and suddenly you closed your mouth?

It was just yesterday. Was gonna tell something to my friends and stopped!

How bout’ you?

With some members of my family when I said them that I’m bisexual.

The last time you slept late?


One night ago…

Last time you Slept early

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The last month.

The last time you wrote a song?

Okay a ballad … still… last Wednesday or Thursday i guess

You? Yea you had some in progress with you brother. I remember :blush:

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Yes. We still fighting with the name of the band. Nothing good for the moment.

We have 6 songs finished, we need a drummer and a bass player.

The last time you should be sleeping but you didn’t because of the forum?

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Its now for you…i know
For me it was 2 nights ago…

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Jajaja you’re right! Cya.