The last time I

Lost like lost forever or lost like it just ran into the woods and I had to find it?

Forever lost

A few years ago I lost my dog, Ťapka (the name translates something like paw-y, she was so clumsy when she was little)

she died of old ageā€¦

Last time youā€™ve commited a sinful act.


I liedā€¦

You ?

I got my nerves out yesterday :slight_smile:

Last time youā€™ve eaten a soup?

Today I will


She was soooooo nice!!! :frowning:

Mths ago

Last time you had tea

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Right now.

Last time you ordered take out?

About four days ago.

Last time someone said something so stupid, it hurt every version of you in the multiverse?


Today. Too long to explain but the guy said something very stupid
Last time you were standing in mist ?

A few months ago.

The last time I woke up sick?

A week ago
Last time you were freaking out?

In a bad way? Almost every day for the last few weeks. In a good way, this afternoon.

Last time you rode the bus

Aheeemā€¦ July or maybe August, I donā€™t remember exactly
Last time youā€™ve used a humidifier?

Lol- never

Last time I had a free day?

Last week lmao
Last time Iā€™ve seen a white pigeon ?

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Lmao too- lol never :rofl:

Last time I listened to my inner voice and did sth irrational?

2 days agoā€¦ It was worser than anythingā€¦ damnā€¦

Good to hear that @evooba . Well how are you nowā€¦ got to know you were having leakage and machine problemā€¦ is it all okay now??

Same :see_no_evil:

2 weeks agoā€¦ so sadā€¦

Todayā€¦ i killed a boy with my wordsā€¦ he was saying stupid stuffsā€¦ ā€¦he will never do that now.

And you?

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Oh lol, @Honey8, you directly killed him? :laughing:

still my Q, the last time? Exactly 5 hrs ago lolā€¦

the last time I spluttered in a conversation ( :joy: )

I ainā€™t Kiddingā€¦ like you really should have seen his face. :joy::joy::joy: He Wonā€™t dare to do it again!

3 days ago
