The last time I

Thanks for that :slight_smile:

That @aaran finished his member anniversary cake so early and said that nothing is left for othersā€¦ :smile:

Last time you just couldnā€™t stop smiling ā€¦

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The first day I entered here, and when I end my first song/story.

The last time I fell in love for a song?


Was sunrise by our last night about mth ago


Really fall in love: Iridescent.
That Iā€™m in loved: Leif Erikson - Interpol.

The last time I heard a full discography?


Will hear it somedayā€¦

Well i donā€™t rememberā€¦ You?

Linkin Park. A year ago (counting the LPU, Lives, Studio and more.)

The last time I edited a reply?

Some hours ago

Last time I withdrawn a post?

Some days ago.

The last time I forgot ask an email?

Donā€™t rememberā€¦years agoā€¦
Last time I forgot to reply a message?

Some minutes ago jajaja

The last time I tried to sing like Chester in Crawling (Piano version)?

Never. I aint great singerā€¦


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Itā€™s my favourite lp and second favourite of all timeā€¦

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Last time I felt proud of me

When I posted that I was singing it :smile:

I remember that you said that before, and the first one is Numb. Right? I forgot :disappointed_relieved:

Right now! I finally end to write my song.

The last time I had to leave the forum because of an useless device?

(See you all as soon as I can get a new deviceā€¦)

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My favourite of all time is yesterday from beatlesā€¦

My favourite from Linkin Park is Iridescent and second waiting for the end

I havenā€™t so far :slight_smile:

Last time I saw an lp video and felt really sad



Last time my feet fell asleep?

Last night.

Last time I yelled at someone.

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Just now! :sweat_smile:

Last time you laughed at someone

Yesterday, at myself. I opened a sour creme and got it all over myself :see_no_evil:

Last time youā€™d pet a dog?


Never ā€¦ i never had a pet dog

Last time you lost your pet