Tag, you're it!

@NickGr and @gatsie tagged me

  1. Back on forums after a real long time
    2 eating a lot
  2. Idk what more to say :joy:
    Next, @lpfan61, @theearlywalker, @Honey8

Thanx for the tag …

  • I start to see things

  • god bless I’ve friends telling me I’m seeing things

  • seeing things can be funny :laughing:

@lpfan61 @chigokurosaki @Honey8


Things like what?


Wow I got 3 tags! :flushed: thanks guys! :blush:

1- Today is relaxing day :crazy_face:
2- Tomorrow is crazy heavy work day :muscle:
3- My sister and my lil niece are doing fine :blush: :heart:

Next: @drounzer


I was just kidding- all fine :blush: thanx for caring :hugs::yellow_heart:


Hey I got tagged again :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: thanks @lpfan61 :blush:

  1. I got a home for myself, finally :muscle: :sunglasses: :+1:
  2. been very busy with finding a new job, job interviews coming next week , kind of nervous for those interviews :shushing_face: :grimacing:
  3. Don’t know what to place here… hahahah :laughing: i love to read all of what you people doing. I feel very comfortable on this community and it’s nice to have some friends here , thanks for all of your love to me and support me :pray: :heart: i really appreciate it :kissing_heart: :hugs:

Next tag : @zanybelle & @evowarrior5


Thanks @drounzer

  1. I’m enjoying the LP community too, everyone I’ve messaged is always really cool and genuine. Any LP fan has a friend for life in me and talking to you all I feel the same back. Thanks guys :heart:

  2. Feel like I’ve been in a blue moon this weekend… saw a car hit another car and then drive off last night and today almost got in the middle of a fight. Luckily managed to avoid both without any damage. A weird weekend all round.

  3. This week has probably been positive overall and I’m using some new techniques to mindfulness which are something I’ve been meaning to master for a while. Anyone want any tips just hit me up! Basically it’s a method to move away from the superficial reality we tend to experience and being more in the moment :thinking:

I tag @chigokurosaki and @achilleas7 and @raz7


@IronSoldier16 @anna834 oh who’s a writer? Love me a fellow writer. I don’t know enough people by name but try to tag those I haven’t before. I did tag @the_termin8r but saw no post (unless I missed it or not everyone plays this tag game) :laughing: :grinning:

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Tagged again already? Oh well.

  1. Down to 109 pages of music.
  2. Got a like for my comments on both Youtube and Facebook from one of my favourite youtubers on the same day.
  3. Back in work tomorrow.

tagging @Honey8, @the_termin8r and @danni1317


Congrats!! :tada: :smile:

Know the feeling :see_no_evil: good luck with it! :muscle:

Because he muted this thread :sweat_smile:


Rules :grimacing:

@Honey8, @anna834 and me. Also some other soldiers.

Now on topic:
1.) I love work with kids.
2.) I want to August ends now :confused:
3.) I’ eating Taco Bell.

@Fravaco @evooba you go.

  1. My doggie has returned to being 5 years younger!
    That because that “hunch” of the doctor that we have a rare syndrome was true and the correct medicine has been administered.
    Now he runs which hasn’t happened in the past two years!
    I am so happy !!! :smile_cat:
  2. Not only did we discover a rare heart (+1/3 of the normal size) but we have a rare syndrome too
    For a dog born without a nerve on the front leg, i guess we’ve had it with rarities!
  3. Facts were about my dog because i’m back in my introverted mood.
    My Extroversion/Introversion works just like a pendulum in zero gravity!

I tag @birdy1989 again to respond when she has news about her knee to share!
I hope you get back to the snow as soon as possible dear! :hugs::sparkling_heart:


Thanks for the tag

Doing some laundry

Cleaning my room

Finding something to eat maybe ill go out to eat
Slow day today very slow…

Not going to tag anyone too many people


OH HELL TO THE NAW!!! @IronSoldier16 or @chigokurosaki WHAT DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELVES?! how can you guys let dear @theearlywalker get into the oregano stash?! you guys are CUT OFF! all mine… :smirk::sweat_smile:

seriously though… hope this is in joking and something funny for you :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

first @anomalia sees angels out her window, now youre seeing this… i woooooo-rry :joy:

umm…theres a limit to how long hes…“playing” dead :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: if he sleeps with you, poor fella prolly got gassed :joy:

ey, ey, ey! hes not fluffy… IIIIm fluffy :nerd_face:


thanks :grin:

its funny to think how the simple things granted us that in our time :grimacing: poor kids today :sweat_smile:


  1. yoda is getting chubby :flushed::joy: then she squeals at me when i tell her :roll_eyes::unamused: pshhh lol

  2. bought a bob marley vinyl and my book today-couldnt help it :sweat_smile:

  3. asking Jen out on the fastest date ever in 11 days :crazy_face:

i tag @charlie1531 and @coolcat96 :nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face::crazy_face:
fml if they pop in :flushed::flushed::flushed:


off topic:

We both know what she meant :upside_down_face:

you’re baboso :joy:


i dont :flushed::flushed: am i supposed to know? :flushed:

Not you :joy:

The pendejo and I :rofl:

@the_termin8r is not in this thread.
And he is a writer too. :sunglasses:

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ohhhh…now i feel left out :unamused::triumph:



:man_facepalming: Am I talking wit the fish? :confused:

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