Tag, you're it!

Lmaoooo!!! :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Oh yes! They are! :hugs:


Ok ok


  • Poo
  • Eat
  • And sleep :baby:t4:

@LPfan @rorybourdon


How interesting…no changes in so many years :thinking::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::smiling_imp:

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I’m a girl btw :joy:

  1. Twice a week I am doing excursion to the active volcano
  2. People I don’t know know me, I am very popular with the guys on the boats at the harbour lol
  3. I’ve changed so much that whoever knew me like a year or so ago wouldn’t recognize me: I am confident, I know what I want, I speak up instead of being pushed about.

@rickvanmeijel @lpfan61


That’s a nice change! Happy you found your little paradise! :smile:
And thanks for the tag :blush:

1- I’m going to sleep :zzz:
2- I’ll be up at 4:00 am
3- My inner clock’s going crazy every day more :rofl: :see_no_evil:

Next: @DavidZinssler @gatsie


That’s wonderful, I’m proud of you :hugs:


Welll, mine is still here :upside_down_face:

Típico de ti :roll_eyes:

My turn:

  1. I dislike this month.
  2. I spent my free day watching Endgame
  3. I uninstalled Clash Royale 4 days ago


I have a new mouse, the other one wasn’t working well.

@gatsie @derek and a bonus @jFar920 and @intheend


Thanks for the tag @rorybourdon, good to hear you’re doing well.

1 If all goes well, I’m starting at my new job next week. Pretty excited for it.
2 The last few weeks have gone by so fast, I feel like summer is already ending.
3 I’m releasing new music today :smiley:

Not gonna tag anyone, lots of people have yet to reply


I reckon you are at Santorini island then?
There are other volcanoes but, i guess that’s the only one for summer visits!

When you return to Athens, i hope you can offer an LPU the honor of being your “special” tour guide
My tours are “special” because i am in the special category of humans :crazy_face:
Walking around the Acropolis is one of my favorite strolls on the earth (tried many) so put on your runner shoes! (no running, i promise!)

This tour guide always buys the drinks of the day too, so you can’t get any more special than than for a tourist office!
It’s an LPU thing!
you’ve already paid back with your fascination with this band and rewards for you exist wherever LPU dragonflies exist!

plus, i’d be honored to finally meet another LPU out there!
comparing tattoos and stuff
(i’ll lose that one if you have a single drop of ink on you! Even if accidental) :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
But you’re a girl…
now i’m shy :flushed: and the cost of motivating this introvert around Athens to see “people” just DOUBLED…
But i will visit herds with the proper ally beside me!
It’s fun then :relaxed:


Well I am on Kos island and the volcano is Nissyros.
And I have tattoos. And well I might be in Athens but in November. Probably gonna take the ferry from Kos to Athens and maybe gonna stay a day or two.


Uf! 15 days late that is so long!
Thanks for the tags @NickGr @justinkilmer

I never have anything so special to share tho :thinking:

  • My pet toothless :turtle: has grown quite fast as compared to 2 yrs ago. And has became even more naughty :expressionless: I was having lunch today and she got lost. I found her in balcony sleeping :joy: she is the most stressless being at my home who doesn’t care if there is flood or its so humid of anything lol! I’ve been playing with her a lil less these days…

  • Trying to grab some time from somewhere to start my new sketch but i ain’t able to lol.

  • Will be posting here my new writings tmro.

  • Hopefully no more flooding. There is a break for some days from heavy rains at least in my area. I hope the if it comes then its calmer. Or @the_termin8r definitely should come lol.

I’d tag… :thinking: @birdy1989 @raz7 :smile:


Thanks for the tag!

  1. I’m watching through two pints of lager and a packet of crisps from seasons 1 to 6
  2. Got 111 pages of music to listen to.
  3. Excited for the new Lindemann album.

I’ll tag @achilleas7, @theearlywalker and @chigokurosaki

  1. i did not know Nissyros had a volcano dear @rorybourdon
  2. i have been to 20 or so out of 200 islands of my country and i need to start catching up because one’s lifetime is not enough if they visit one per year!
  3. No2 is never gonna happen! I’m insane on introversion and i spend my summers here, mostly because it takes 3km of dirt walk to get there!

But even that gets crowded some days which brings me to the overall bonus fact :
4. if the world stopped for a sec, i’d definitely jump off!

uuummm inviting @claritea to the game of silly facts and @zanybelle who now has a better grip of it!

  1. I helped a little guy in a store
  2. His name is Stewie
  3. I’ll keep him forever


@anna834 @discobot @Fipkus


@achilleas7 yes I’m finally getting the hang of this forum! It could be a little more user friendly. A lot of my writing forums are exceptionally easy to use and change profile pictures scowl

  1. I read Mike’s article on Kerrang " CHESTER HAD SUCH A HUGE HEART" -fucking heartbreaking but loved the reminisce. I feel my personality is much more Mike (reserved and needs encouragement) but loved that Chester jest and friendliness.

  2. My niece who’s three months loves trying to talk to me. No idea what she’s saying but I love her babbles and singing :heart_eyes:

  3. I guess my favourite book has to be Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. A very misrepresented book in recent times in my view, and one of the most beautifully ever written. I could read it forever.

I tag @Honey8 @annejprado :slight_smile:



I’d prefer his name was @framos1792 :confused:


@intheend thank you for the tag :flushed::grin:
Miss you here :innocent:

Reading this … it’s…
Happy we have you! :black_heart::bat::black_heart:


  1. My father went, when I was three. My mother was a hippie and an artist, still is. Never bothered with getting up in the morning and preparing a kid for school. So I did this right from the beginning for myself.

  2. Hippie kid, used clothing, selfcut hair, not knowing how to behave? They started torturing me right away. And all I wanted was to be like them. Cooked meals, lunch package, watching TV… instead I started to not wanna live anymore, sometimes.

  3. Wasn’t all that bad. After school, there was all the freedom kids nowadays just deam of. Me and a bunch of boys (I was never into girls stuff) roamed the woods, old abandonment houses, an old quarry. Lots of places you think would have get us killed. But never happened anything. Just fun and freedom.

  4. Bonus: My best friend! She lived an hour bus ride from me. Her parents were anarchists, decided their kids should grow up in the country. Not thinking what village school does to such a kid. But she was way taffer then me. Took a bat to school, teached the other kids, to never again lay hand on her. She also raised her younger siblings, parents were always to busy with other stuff.
    As soon, as we could do the bus ride on our own, we visited every weekend. We are very different in almost every thing. Had a lot of fights as kids. But our childhood loneliness knitted us together. We will always have our backs. For ever greatful for her! :heart:

Who to tag?
If I say not @framos1792 he will misread it anyway :laughing:
So the rest of the squad boys :crazy_face:
@chigokurosaki @IronSoldier16 @jrtrussell


It recently was my turn, I’ll wait for someone else to go, ok?

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I’m recently all the time! Come on, your a writer, think of something!:blush:

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Thank you for the tag @Honey8 :heart:
@IronSoldier16 who cares, you can think of something :wink:

  • I’m having some issues with my knees for like 5 years now, but only when I went skiing. The rest of the year: nothing… My previous physical therapist said it was the cartilage (thank you, Google Translate) under my kneecap.
  • for the last couple of weeks the knee issues returned and I haven’t been skiing for months! What the hell!! So I went to see the doctor and it isn’t the cartilage… :rage: apparently the pain comes from the crotch bands and tendons (thank you again, Google Translate :joy:) between my knees and upper thighs.
  • good thing!! This is fixable. I just need to take rest for a week, do absolutly nothing that hurts, can’t even feel the crotch bands en tendons. After the week of rest I can start the exercises she gave me and it should be over in 2 months!
  • bad thing: I practically can only sit like this:
    Or walk, and nothing more :joy: :joy: this is going to be difficult lol. Thank God I have one more week of vacation, so I better listen to the doc and take rest this week :sweat_smile:

I’m going to tag @IronSoldier16 :wink:
And I’m tagging :heart: @theearlywalker and @lpfan61 :heart: