Tagged again already? Oh well.
- Down to 109 pages of music.
- Got a like for my comments on both Youtube and Facebook from one of my favourite youtubers on the same day.
- Back in work tomorrow.
tagging @Honey8, @the_termin8r and @danni1317
Tagged again already? Oh well.
tagging @Honey8, @the_termin8r and @danni1317
Know the feeling good luck with it!
Because he muted this thread
@Honey8, @anna834 and me. Also some other soldiers.
Now on topic:
1.) I love work with kids.
2.) I want to August ends now
3.) I’ eating Taco Bell.
I tag @birdy1989 again to respond when she has news about her knee to share!
I hope you get back to the snow as soon as possible dear!
Thanks for the tag
Doing some laundry
Cleaning my room
Finding something to eat maybe ill go out to eat
Slow day today very slow…
Not going to tag anyone too many people
OH HELL TO THE NAW!!! @IronSoldier16 or @chigokurosaki WHAT DO YOU GUYS HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELVES?! how can you guys let dear @theearlywalker get into the oregano stash?! you guys are CUT OFF! all mine…
seriously though… hope this is in joking and something funny for you
first @anomalia sees angels out her window, now youre seeing this… i woooooo-rry
umm…theres a limit to how long hes…“playing” dead if he sleeps with you, poor fella prolly got gassed
ey, ey, ey! hes not fluffy… IIIIm fluffy
its funny to think how the simple things granted us that in our time poor kids today
yoda is getting chubby then she squeals at me when i tell her
pshhh lol
bought a bob marley vinyl and my book today-couldnt help it
asking Jen out on the fastest date ever in 11 days
i tag @charlie1531 and @coolcat96
fml if they pop in
off topic:
We both know what she meant
you’re baboso
i dont am i supposed to know?
Not you
The pendejo and I
ohhhh…now i feel left out
Am I talking wit the fish?
You’re telling a girl she’s getting chubby
How stupid can a guy be
Hahaha thanks @achilleas7 for the tag
I tag @justinkilmer and @Lilyope
@achilleas7 haha love those pictures
@anna834 thanks, good to know. I perhaps need some clarity on the type of writing styles
@birdy1989 awe they grow so quickly, I bet she’s adorable
Off topic:
You don’t want to know the answer
Thank’s @achilleas7 and @birdy1989 for the tag !
Came back yesterday from the Air bnb we rent for one week. We were supposed to come back today but I didn’t sleep well in this house so we decided to not stay one more night. I think the house was kind of haunted because one night there was a light on in the kitchen, i didn’t switch it off and one hour after i came back and the light was off. Then on the next morning i asked my mum if she turn on/off this light and she said no. Sooo weird!
Going back to work on monday, don’t really want to but i have to… for Mike/LP shows savings
On october i’ll go to a concert of a french rock band with my cousins and sister. It’s been a decade we didn’t go to a concert together. It’s gonna be super fun !
Thanks @birdy1989! Masha is that big already? Wow!
Been up since 3 this morning, so I decided to A) Play Hallow Knight on the Switch and B) make a big breakfast while giving the finger to my healthy meals today
Proudly displaying my Linkin Park today as I have my “Hunting Party” shirt on and am wearing my LP Ring (but I usually where that a lot)
Coffee sounds like it will be my friend today. Looking to get my 3rd for the day.
I suppose I can do 3 more (one for each day I missed )
I have been recruited to make logos for a few people. Just finished one and then some one else asked me too make one. Makes me super excited!!
I have slowly started a collection of Lego Minifigures at work It started with finding some of my old ones at my parents and now I’ve bought mystery Harry Potter ones and Disney. so I’m just gonna decide to make a Lego village and take over my whole work area
Gonna debate on what I should listen to for music this morning… Should I start with Linkin Park… or Shinedown… or… Disturbed? Idk I’ll figure it out
Alright I’ll tag @IronSoldier16 and @raz7
@Lilyope thanks for the tag!!
I’ll tag @samuel_the_leader and @Well_We_Do
Forgot about the tag for a few days whoops xD
My company just had a massive lay-off this week. I’m not sure if it’s been in the news yet, but from what I hear several hundreds lost their jobs in my city alone. Absolutely crazy. The team I’m in is the only one that wasn’t affected, so some 30 people are still working while the rest of the floor is completely empty (and other buildings in their entirety, they’re ghost towns right now).
There’s a friend I haven’t heard from in weeks and I tend to get paranoid about that stuff; I don’t know her address but I do know the café where she works, I’ve been thinking of taking a bus to the city and dropping into the place and see if she’s there, and if not to ask her colleagues if they’ve seen her recently. As long as they say yea, I’m fine with that.
I’ve started going to the gym since last week, so far it’s going pretty well and it’s making me change my diet too, which was much harder to do without having that exercise. Hope I can keep it up.
Next, @anna834