Rest in peace Chester

That’s awesome!!! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart: :heart: :heart: Thank you for sharing! :hugs: :hugs:
I miss him so much really… :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


love this picture. And hope everyone remembers him smiling! love you all!


we love you chester we will always love you


Rest In Peace ;(


…Who cares if one more light goes out,
Wellllll…I dooooo…
My God, I wish I could put into words the feeling that comes over me when listening to it…that and EVERY song as well…!!
I gotta run, just felt like posting something for the moment…Peace…
And, as always, R.I.P. brother…
Mark / New York…


I could no more agree that we should all keep our focus on what a great man Chester was. This man was such a major influence on my life, not only in his magnificent artistic talent, but also in what a great man he was. You still to this day have a world of loyal fans, Chester, and I owe you a great congratulation for amounting such, my friend. We all love and miss your very soul. God bless you, and your family.


Chester is still alive in our hearts!!


Welcome to the forums @foasolution True he is alive in our hearts :blush:

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You are amazing! Well said!! Thank you for sharing. I’m so touched by the way you express yourself with those song titles. I honestly got choked up and almost didn’t reply, but iI decided to embrace the liove I have for Chester, as well as the sadness that I sometimes feel. Thanks again for such a beautiful tribute, and for the reminder that I’m not alone, LP soldiers are never alone because Chester unites us all.
RIP Chester, 4 ever in our :two_hearts:’s


Hey @rochelleshon :hugs:
Welcome to this extraordinary place!
Lots of love and strength for you! :heart::muscle:

thanks dude and like @anna834 said: Welcome Soldier! :metal:t2:

Break it down!!! :angry:
Some people have no heart.

Chester is special to all of us. We all feel connected with him, on or own special way. :heart: . I never met Chester in person. Ive been to a LP shows 2 times. I’ve got the chance to give Chester a handshake during a concert. :handshake: The man is a hero to me (with the rest of the bandmembers of LP). They literally safed my life. I was going to hell 7 years ago. I cut my wrists. But it shocked me, that I was capable of doing that. I looked for answers, and the answer I got was Linkin Park.

They let me feel I was not alone, and the problems I had (still have) I’m not the only one. So I searched for help, and I got help. Since that moment I know that I’m capable of ending my own life, but I will fight to not let that happen :muscle: :pray:

I miss you Chester, thinking about you every day. :heart:

For people who are in a dark time now, we are here for you. Never think that you ar not worth it, because you are ALWAYS WORTH IT. :heavy_heart_exclamation: :raised_hands:


Miss him :broken_heart::broken_heart:IMG_20190424_193739


@vevandre I find comfort in My December. It is stunningly beautiful in a way only snow can be.

Thank you Chester for your voice and heart. No other artist gave more to their music. Somehow, you gave everything.


Does anyone know the theory of parallel worlds? Inasmuch as it could be assumed that in one of the infinite worlds parallel to ours on all four-dimensional space, there is the possibility of finding a Chester still alive who on that day would have made another thought and be essentially still alive.
It would be further interesting to demonstrate this theory

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Bro you’re trying to open up portals into parallel universes to get your hands on Chester? :flushed:

The @Droms in that parallel universe would be pissed as eff at this universe and would figure out how to come through and start a war of worlds over the theft of Chester

Not wise :flushed:


If this is possible, why not? it must be said that the possible consequences must also be planned.
Oh well we would need the DNA to start a cloning process. If we were able to clone a sheep, why not start the test on human cells?

Exactly what I was going at :flushed::joy:

But…so…Chester would be your priority having produced the technology? :exploding_head:

one step at a time, a person cannot plan on “anything” yet …