Rest in peace Chester

:exploding_head: from parallel universes to cloning :flushed:
Idk if I’m actively excited or actively worried :flushed:


Aye, I agree with that much :grin:
I gotta give you that that’s one

I guess in an alternate reality you could imagine a Chester who lived… But we can never know what led to those last moments. Given the choice, I would probably erase the OML album because it shouldn’t have followed THP. I felt the band were so busy trying to do their own thing and convince themselves they didn’t need LP that they almost forgot what LP was about. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Genre isn’t dead. Genre is hybrid. You were sleeping on the job. And yes, I do like the OML songs but it’s probably the one album I still can’t listen to completely or often. One, because of Chester’s passing and two, because it is the least LP sounding album ever created.


The premise of that theory is that there’s MANY alternate universes in parallel where different instances occurred so if they DID exist then there definitely would be one where Chester is alive but…but… :expressionless:

@jrtrussell @the_termin8r I think this discussion miiiiiight interest y’all even if it’s far fetched :grimacing:

I mean…for me it’s like…it’s the perfect human idiocy of where we go disturb a habitat for our own benefit without caring about what it will affect
We fuck it up and then figure out how to move onto the next thing lol

WHAAAA? By that argument, thp shouldn’t have occurred after LT! :exploding_head:
I say blame mike for the sound change :stuck_out_tongue: he’s the one that stuck with these experimental sounds afterwards :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Joe is to blame for kiiara, but mike is to blame for the pop :upside_down_face:

Fight fight fight fight :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Why not? I love both LT and THP. I don’t see your point. I did blame Mike, he’s the one who said genre was dead. Ha. Yeah. I like the song Heavy but I only want Chester to sing it so it ruins the album for me. Some of the co-writers/contributers on OML were from the pop genre (Justin Timberlake/Beiber etc) and the sound is definitely more mainstream in radio/streaming terms. However, I would never say LP sold out (mostly, I’m too loyal and respectful to ever say that shit) but I term it a filler album who’s purpose is to maintain a presence in the industry. All industries use this method. It is completely legit and sensible. I think crap like Twenty One Pilots (?) meant people forgot what great music sounded like :roll_eyes: I never forgot. I’d love history to read (if it must) ‘last ever LP album: THP’. I think that would be justice.

Are you referring to changing what happened to Chester? I think too many times the wrong people die in this world. Their mere existence made the world better. We see one less light all too often… without which the world is plunged into darkness.

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LT and THP are very dissimilar :thinking: their sound was in every album, but it varied greatly

Thp was a 180 on the direction that they were going with in ats and then lt in my opinion

Agreed, I thought the same that’s why I blame joe for wanting a girl in the album lol

Yes and Chester was In on it too



Oof. I hope y’all ain’t serious about this discussion. :grimacing: talking about the possibility of other dimensions is good and all but doing in here doesn’t seem right. And talking about using inter dimensional travel to get Chester back just feeling like making a joke out of it all. :confused:


And it would be an injustice to the niche of LP fans who actually loved oml

LP was widely popular because they were hybrid in terms of genre
It’s why there’s such varied types of people here
Everyone had different tastes but could cross aisles and appreciate their music as intragenerational (idk if I made that word up :thinking:)
Pshhhh in the history books I want a footnote saying we were still waiting for Chester’s reggae album :triumph:
The country album :pleading_face::triumph:

Not all fans were 100% hellbent on rock and I’m personally glad they listened to the electronic base, the metal base, the mainstream rock, etc etc
They were gonna keep pushing genres imo

He wasn’t joking about it that’s the thing

If I asked you in here was because I couldn’t get myself up to smacking him for the assumption :grimacing:

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Oof. After that comment ripping my boys twenty one pilots I gotta dip :grimacing:


dip?! Diiiip?! You ain’t gonna take a stand?! :scream::triumph:

Granted the 16 year old fan girls squealing their lungs out not letting you HEAR anything is annoying as hell but but… good beat, good lyrics :triumph:

Anyway I’ll bounce too, not the thread for this

RIP Chester, if y’all loved the man, let him do so, all dimensional versions of him,
And for goodness sakes focus on something else besides inter dimensional travel-overpopulation?? Pollution, global warming, poverty??? Like…like… all due respect but he’d rise and smack peoples upside the head for fixating on him :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Before I forget, no… I meant humanity being too stupid to wake up and realizing we cause the problems we face
Again overpopulation, pollution, deforestation,
We go in and ransack the place like mercenaries then move along :upside_down_face:
Then we turn our attention to things that don’t matter anymore vs actually progressing


Amen brotha :open_hands:

Lyrically, they are not so dissimilar. I get THP was LP off the leash whereas LT was more reserved, but their nature was pure LP essence throughout. It isn’t just about the music, it is the honesty of the creation.

My biggest regret is they never got Amy Lee from Evanescence to do a song with them!!! :sob: why!!!

I feel and believe his involvement was minimal. I sadly believe he was already disconnected at this point. He wrote very little on the album, which says a lot.

Uh oh… Friendship over? :hushed: :astonished: :anguished:


No no… friendship saved:

Here :pleading_face: amyyyyyy

As for LP
I still feel sometimes people focus in on the aspect they liked most instead of realizing they’re multifaceted

I’d love to meet anyone who’s favourite album from the whole LP catalogue is OML? I’d love to meet them and then just stare at them in disbelief… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: LP were popular because their lyrics actually meant something and you could hear their unique sound from a mere ten second intro. I barely recognise much of OML. I like the album, but it isn’t justifiably LP. It just isn’t! I’m not 100% rock either, but I am 1000% into the hybrid theory.

Well, they’re no Linkin Park? :roll_eyes:

Anyone anyone?? :thinking: I’m sure some 16year old chick will say so :joy:

Half the equation

Neither is blink but :partying_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I agree. Energy can be used to solve actual world problems, not what we can no longer change.

Phew! I have enough enemies on this forum already :joy:

Just find me one person… One! :laughing:

Oh, I love their album, but I’d always call them crap in comparison to LP. Crappy punk rock since 1992. Can you imagine if LP and Blink actually did the tours together - with Nine and whatever LP would be doing right now? Oh man :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :drooling_face: haha

They are as much musicians as anyone in LP and I’d say tyler is more musically skilled than even mike. They are out here producing poetry. As far from mainstream music as it gets. After they went mainstream with Blurryface they chose to continue making their own music rather than selling out like most people thought they would. And I got mad respect for them for that :fist: I’d suggest just trying out some of their earlier stuff. It may not be your style and I get that but don’t let Stressed Out define them. That’s honestly their worst song in my opinion.

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