Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

It’s CR :apple: :rofl:


Which model? The newer ones are supposed to have IP67.

Out of topic:

Another storm is expected for the UK. So for all of the LP soldiers in the U.K, make sure you stay safe, :+1::heart:


Nice, my kind of weather. Means the pavements will be empty.

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And I thought everybody could do this.

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I had to look that one up. Lol

Looks like a weeb term

I can’t believe it’s been a year already. That was a crazy day that I’ll never forget! Still super grateful to @the_termin8r for securing our spot in the queue all day.

I would have never thought that I’d hear this live ever again


This is what happens when you (I) have no life. :joy:


Well… you were there all morning, I had to rush after work :stuck_out_tongue:


Not really, I think I remember getting there at around 11:00.

Fucking hell.


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Q: What word is always spelled wrong in the dictionary?
A: Wrong.


I know right? It’s crazy!

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Ladies and gentlemen, George Carlin.


I’m so bored I even start to study…


it is pregnant :sweat_smile:

i ended up opening it and drying it out and reconnecting as much as i could after a while but the screen itself was damaged from a short or something, theres two pink vertical lines across the screen which gets annoying at times… buuuut it all works :crazy_face:

its an iphone xs
yes it has it but all that is is an adhesive around the edge of the screen… as i leave it out in heat, and mistreat it i assume some of that adhesive was damaged
its my fault actually for trusting it, i left it wet without caring to dry it-i was more preoccupied with other stuff haha

as for the story-i mentioned one annoying irritating home i worked in where i had hit gas and water mains already, by this time we had finished most of the home, just returning occasionally to work on details and waiting for others to finish
that day i had a vibrator plate, few 100lb machine, was walking back, the machine jerked and foot caught on stone from the pool coping yada yada, foot caught the edge and couldnt hold up sooo fell in, machine fell on top of me aaaand yeah… knocked on the head by it :joy: got out flipping out, pulled the machine out and went home to tear the waterlogged engine down :grimacing: it was a rental worth around a K… used the machine the next day and returned without anyone finding out… until the rust hits :monkey:
tadaaaaa end of story (also im fine, had a big boob sticking out the top of my head for a week but all aside fine :crazy_face:)


lol seems like an eternity ago, dont it? :rofl:

im adjusting to not having any sports to watch :sob: had been so psyched about UCL…(football/soccer) up to that point at least…

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