Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

Are you sure? Your extended absence would suggest a coma. :joy:

oh come on now…im touched! you missed me lmao :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

ummm…you seen those memes lately where people were like, damn i got put in quarantine…and i was JUST about to start going to the gym…
that was my introvert ass thinking i needed to connect more in person :crazy_face:

jk just busy and then figured i needed a full day to catch up on here-i was right… :grimacing:


Wait, what is my question? :joy: :thinking:

So, it’s not interrupting you to socialize with people out there :stuck_out_tongue:

You asked how my phone was doing lol

Nah, I dm when necessary but to no response sooooo :stuck_out_tongue:

My manager and I are doing a thing on Instagram to keep us sane during this time and have fun. You’re free to post your own here if you guys want




Watching master chef, only been watching it for about a week and I like it

I’ve technically been out of work for three days. It feels like it’s been a month, holy fucking shit.




I’m just glad I get to catch up on all my projects. lol

How are you coping with that? It is day 2 for me and it feels like a month as well. I hope they’ll keep paying you till you re-open.

One of our assistant superintendents made it a point to tell us we were still going to be paid. Given her track record, though, nobody can believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Tomorrow’s payday, so we’ll see.

Honestly? I haven’t left the house in almost a week. Actually, I lied. I walked out to the mailbox yesterday. If the weather were at least decent, it’d be one thing, but at this point I feel like I’m under house arrest.

I need to get my bike out for the season at some point, too.

On the bright side, I’m mastering the art of Candy Crush.


A bit early (x2) but yeah, I know that country by different names.

Until I remember, “Holanda” comes from a language that people used to talk there, no sure about this. Real name is Netherlands

How are you doing with this?

Ohh thanks! I’ll be here more often, so we can dethrone him :wink: well, you. I don’t want that record. I already have two :stuck_out_tongue:

Two of? :thinking: you like too much :skull: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Still doing fine. I’ve set my sights on beating Pat for visits as well, but she’s been a consistent ~30 days a head of me for 2 years now. :joy:

Well, this one fell flat on its face. My hope was to jump start the forum with a flood of posts and my initial post did its job in that it motivated someone to try and catch me. Then that someone went MIA for 3 years :joy:. The idea was that it would avalanche into other people starting to post more regularly.



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You meant the “(x2)”? I wrote the “a bit early” in other topic before that one :sweat_smile:

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I’m so damn bored I do all the possible stuff. Actually turned the lesser house from a warehouse of BS into a cozy living place (floor two is still a warehouse)



Oh and a new LED on the second floor ( I was quite stressed out when I cut the original lightbulb and then the whole wire fell off from its casing lol )

I was just about to put an electrical outlet when I’ve found out there are no multilayer wire hubs available. Of course I can try to cut into the corner of a wire but that’s dangerous as hell (fire!) plus it’s such a boring job so I guess I’d better go buy an extension cord ( I took some word translations online but I’m not sure they’re the correct ones)


Lmao I caught on and refused to be your guinea pig
Yoda would start looking at me funny :flushed:


What if this is all just a really elaborate April Fool’s joke?


Plus one to my light jobs. NVM the grounding wire , I got it in place
