Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

Me at the start, though it’s between me and @IronSoldier16

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For no other reason than for bragging rights
Who the bigger loser is :nerd_face:

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Thinks? :flushed:
I have spoken, it is law
You shall see

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I’m playing the long con, our feud is a bi-product of a larger experiment I’ve been running for the past few days.

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Which is? What?

Revealing it will corrupt the results, you’ll just have to wait. If it works, you’ll know what it is.

:joy: :rofl:


I already wondered why you are that chatty

You will never make it. Way to inconsistent for it. :upside_down_face:

Give me some years and you a wife and some kids. :joy:



In the Polish telephone number an area code is missing.
Mobile would have 9 digits.

I’ll take a guess at it being 000 :upside_down_face:

That moment when you realise that open-back headphones are the best kind, because you can answer the phone without taking them off. :joy:



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I’d love to know what kind of life this man leads today.

@framos1792 How’s your :iphone: ?

What happened to his phone?

it got oofed when he fell into a pool. theres a whole story with it, but ill let him tell it :joy:


How old is his phone? Most have been able to take a dunking for the best part of 5 years.

It’s apple :roll_eyes:


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