Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

It just happens. If you set the emoji on its own, it becomes bigger. :woozy_face:


Donā€™t really like it.

:upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :kissing_heart:


:thinking: actually I did it with good reason, youā€™ll see :nerd_face: I was planning ahead :crazy_face:

Oh I make her rage quite a bit I am guessing :thinking: :rofl: with how annoying I can be, even id feel bad for poor annita :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You gotta Hakuna matata or youā€™ll get gray hairs like me :astonished:
Iā€™m already getting them I think :sob: Iā€™m tricolor :nerd_face:

Like this

I think


At long last, I managed to crawl my way back up to the top of the all-time post count leaderboard :joy:. This very post puts me exactly one post ahead of Pat. The leaderboard wonā€™t show it yet because it lags, but I finally made it. Most all-time likes received and most all-time posts. Now I just have to keep it up. LOL


Iā€™ll get to you :triumph: Iā€™m within reach in like 60% the time youā€™ve been here :triumph: challenge accepted :triumph:

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Itā€™s kind of hard when the entire forumā€™s dead. lol


Leave it to me :thinking:
Theyā€™ve yet to hear the word again

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Youā€™ve got 13,298 posts to make, thatā€™s more than you currently have :joy:. Iā€™ve somehow managed to maintain a 15.89 (=16) post per day ratio, youā€™re sitting at 13.07 (=13). Youā€™ll make it in a few years if I die in a lab explosion or something tomorrow. LMAO

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You forget to account for the spam storms me and the other guys can make and the other topics you donā€™t want to touch and which I frequent :upside_down_face: Iā€™ve been practically out for the past month
By years end watch :triumph:


Bring it.

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Itā€™s here
Itā€™s begun
Youā€™re witnessing it first hand

Side note-perhaps I need someone thatā€™s NOT you to talk to to start denying it huh? :thinking::rofl:


Thereā€™s 335 days left, youā€™ve got ~13,295 posts to go assuming I donā€™t make a single post after this one. That means about 40 posts a day, every day, for the rest of the year, not even @Honey8 can pull that off . :joy:

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Oh thatā€™s childā€™s play
Just need to run out of likes per day

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I wonder who has the record for most posts in a single day? :thinking:


But why? For what?

He thinks he can de-throne me by the end of the year for all time posts. I took first place yesterday.