Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

It’s never been the official name of the country. Holland is a province though, divided into North Holland and South Holland.


So a Dutch and a Filipino don’t make a holla-peño baby(?) :hot_pepper::thinking:

I saw it too- finally a part to enjoy ( at least for me- in 4D with nacchos with cheese sauce AND salsa- it was xmas eve- I loved it- just one question left: was it episode -1 or episode 9 :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It always was Netherlands :upside_down_face:

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I always thought Holland was an area, almost like a state in the US or a Canton in Switzerland. I.e. Holland is in/ part of The Netherlands. Might be wrong though.

Nevermind, seems I was close enough. :joy:


You could be surprised to see our maps. No one in Poland calls this country the Netherlands (offiially or not).I don’t know how it is in the other countries.

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For us, we call it Holanda, and if it’s in proper terms, idk why, but it’s Países Bajos-lower states…
maybe @IronSoldier16 has heard or learned differently but we have no word equating Netherlands

Edit: just looked it up, lower states is a direct translation; nether=lower=bajos, lands-paises
Learned something new :nerd_face:


We call it Holandia in Bulgaria. As far as I know, we don’t have a term for the Netherlands.

Yup, in Italian is “Paesi Bassi” or simply “Olanda” :nerd_face:

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I kind of get it. Greece is also Hellas. And surprisingly Hellas is the formal name (the passport says Hellas, not Greece. Which is why I always get strange looks cause people don’t know what country it is).


We’ve also got Holandia for Holland. For the Netherlands - Niderlandy but no one calls the country like that.

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Yes! I enjoyed it, but a certain part made me angry.

My God, why do I keep finding stuff like this?

Chorów, Poland, 13 June 2007


Hehe I see @anngelenee in the crowd there :laughing:

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I’ve just read that Talinda got married on January 4th.
(I’m not giving you the link because the info is in Polish)

Now we know what Mike did in Hawaii… however all the best to everybody

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It’ll be a netherpeño baby :smile:

It was episode 9 :joy: Have you seen the previous films too? Cause this was the final installment of the saga and it pretty much assumed that audience members know a lot about them

I see, I’m not positive about certain decisions either

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I just enjoyed the event!
Meeting up STAR WARS again. :blush:

Story wise, I red lots of Star Wars books. So I miss Mara Jade, or the “real” kids of Lea and Han.
And sure, it’s great to have Lando back, but where the hack is Wedge Antilles.
:joy: :rofl:

He’s actually in the film! Not gonna say more but you have to pay attention

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He is :exploding_head: f***
Missed it :sob: