Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

We’ll find out when I get my results :joy: I’m a carrier for sure :joy:


@intheend I see all

:joy: :joy: :rofl:

But scared shitless to post in the fangirl Zone :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Nah I’m just not gonna start stuff
Too tired of it

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Anyone use spotify and have the volume just suddenly drop way down?

Spotify is broken AF for me, I haven’t been on today, I’ll let you know when I do get on.

EDIT: @melisLP, it’s fine on my side.

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Thanks. It acts up on me once and awhile. I was just wondering if it was only me

Saliva? :thinking:

I know this kind of ‘Saliva’

:rofl: :metal:t2: :crazy_face:


It just occurred to me that I haven’t seen daylight in 3-4 days because of my ruined sleep pattern. :joy:


My niece, Cora, by the Christmas tree yesterday


That look though, pretty photogenic dog :joy:

We didn’t have any snow till yesterday. Yesterday I came out of the uni and could barely stand the cold wind and SNOOOOW

We haven’t had any snow yet either, luckily. It’s been getting colder though

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Any snow we’ve had so far this season has all melted. From what my aunt was telling us at Christmas, according to the farmer’s almanac (at least, in this neck of the woods), February is going to be one of the worst ones we’ve had in a few years.

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I want snow but I live in KY, where the weather is as random as a 20 sided dice. Sucks.


Actually, we barely had any snow in December for the last couple of years.In 2018, there was no snow for the NY,but in january… we had to change almost every single piece of the working equipment - the frost! (around -30 for a week or two) and a ton of snow

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Saw The Rise of Skywalker yesterday…I’m just :scream::rage::sob:


My next door neighbor really needs a new muffler. It sounds like a damn earthquake every time she pulls in and out of the driveway.

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Mixed feelings about it? :joy:

Is that true that Holland doesn’t exist any more (as the name of the country)? And now we’ve officially got the Netherlands.