Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

@anna834 for bridesmaid!!! :tada::tada::tada:
And we want pictures!!!

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Promised! :blush:

I would say, thats a real deadline!

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Happy thanksgiving to all of you livin in the US :grin::+1:t3: :us: save one t alive :turkey:

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What did you say?

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Completely random fact that popped into my head. The cheapest shirt I own is $5 AU (£2.63 given today’s rate). I’ve had the shirt for the best part of 5 years and have worn it regularly, still in one piece and still looking almost like new. Goes to show that spending £40+ on a t-shirt is idiotic to say the least.


No clue how you manage that

You don’t wash it after use?

Manage what? Getting several years out of shirts? I just take care of them. And of course I wash them.

I get having shirts for years but they fade like hell
I give my shirts maybe 6months before they go to work clothes then 6 more to their life
Granted if they’re unique ones I’ll care for them more or save them by wearing less but no way they’ll be good condition after more than a year


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Wow that makes me scared of going into rides :joy: Hopefullly those people are okay

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Never had that with any of mine. Their colours are still fine.

I don’t know why I’m finding this so hilarious. :joy:


Chief. If your shirts are fading in 6 months either they’re made by a fourth grader or you’re washing them 6 times a day :joy: I’ve had shirts for years that I wear and wash often that are still in great shape.


This photo was taken in 2015, at the time, that green shirt (not the one from my previous post), was a year old.


This photo was taken earlier this year. Same exact shirt. (Ignore the hi-vi, had to wear it to keep the health and safety zealots happy).


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This is what’s called a normal day in East London. :joy:

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Anyone else done this before?

Just got mine…

No but, I almost want to. It would create anarchy in my family if it came back with even a hint of something not Portuguese. :joy:

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What is it about??

I’m curious if I’m maybe Portuguese :stuck_out_tongue: or Spanish

It’s where I hear the last name originates from, part of why I’m doing it haha
It seems fun as well :grin:
Had it in thought for ages and caved cyber Monday lol

@Lilyope it’s a little container where you collect a sample of saliva, send it in and they run dna tests on it and give you a breakdown of where you come from genetically, and tells you what your dna uhh…what it affects in your life? Idk how to say it :joy: what diseases you’re more predisposed to and what traits you are more likely to have etc etc


Can it diagnose terminal stupidity? Because that’s my biggest affliction. :joy: