Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

Just for once, for once he couldn’t be well behaved! :rofl: :roll_eyes:

I’m good, making the christmas list :smile: Drinking lemon tea and well behavibg :joy::upside_down_face:


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@framos1792 :exploding_head: free pass! :rofl:

Wow! You are good!!!
Did already creat the picture calenders and order them. But nothing more.
Hate Christmas this year :persevere:

Last free day. Want to watch Harry Potter all day. But first, the dogs ride. In this f*** weather :rofl:

What’s in the list? :star2: :heart_eyes:


Thats sad, why? :frowning_face:

Enjoythe last day! How’s the weather? Snowy or…? In here the meteorologists say that we will have the worst winter from 30 yrs

You know the gift list, the cookies ingridients lists the meals…edible hemp :joy:


No. All rainy and dark.

Really :flushed: a cold winter :exploding_head:
Can’t really believe it, it’s still way warmer then usual.

I tell some other time. :grimacing:

Yummy :yum:

Hope you had a relaxing day :hugs::heart:

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Is it? :flushed:

I didn’t :innocent: you said the words, I just gave them the properly correct meaning :stuck_out_tongue:
If I can choose right all the way from here then I doubt I’d grab the wrong one there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Caught with your hands in the dough! :crazy_face: mexican saying :roll_eyes:

I don’t have to say apparently :flushed:

:flushed: I thought those were only MY dreams :flushed:

And he never heard from her againnnn…:pleading_face:

:joy::joy::joy: I have to break the expectations :grin:

Only because I was asleep :roll_eyes:

For me?! :heart_eyes::rofl:

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One piece of cake for anomalia, please (although it’s unhealthy to eat just before you go to bed)

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From the anniversary cake or the wedding cake? :flushed::see_no_evil::monkey::joy:

But definitely! :cake::partying_face:


Wedding cake? There must be something I don’t know. Just wondering why I wasn’t invited? :thinking::angry:

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Congratulations! There are no wedding cakes in my dreams. Today I dreamt that I overslept.

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Lol I feel like the use of names instead of tags confuses this :joy:
Time to anomalía it :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Got it :joy: lots of sweet stuff in short.

Still rains! I am fed up of them this year. Right now all :sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny::sunny: here!

Lol :joy: add it to the list @anngelenee

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Haha I will remember that,we making a lot of gingerbread cookies, coconut and cocoa, I can’t wait :heart_eyes:

Omg @framos1792 is getting married again, the divorce force is coming out again lol




Or I mess something up? lol

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Wait. Ig i understand wrong. @framos1792 what did you mean there???


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Nah next one is the finale one :triumph::roll_eyes:
Plus still can’t get the yes from the girl so can’t :nerd_face:
She’s super stubborn :crazy_face:

I am innocent :innocent::sweat_smile::crazy_face:

Of couuuuurse not, you’re a little angelllll :grimacing:
That’s exactly why it’s happening actually :laughing::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yup,dont Ross yourself :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :rofl:

Oh @anna834 start talking about marriage🤔

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Don’t distract this.
I just want to be the bridesmaid or best girl.
What ever!

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:joy: he gets the right girl at the end :smirk::triumph:

Look at you projecting away at @anna834 :roll_eyes::joy:

Yeah, @anngelenee give her her wish and make her your flower girl :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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