Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

I’ve never really asked or heard mention before but if you need to unload with someone new I’m always here ok?
Hit me up on wa or text or email whenever you need
I’ve repeated it recently but everyone has their own demons or faults within, no ones ever truly unscathed,
Keep that in mind to know you aren’t singled out or isolated holding onto bs :slightly_smiling_face:
just know people out here still do care to be there and listen if not to try to give some advice where possible :slightly_smiling_face::hugs: we can all help each other out a bit :muscle:t3: Carry those loads together per se :+1:t3:


Completely agree with @framos1792. I’m here too if you need to talk. Even though life can really suck sometimes there are some good days too. I’m glad you reached out. Always do and don’t ever feel like you have to go through things alone. We’re all in this together and we all care. Sending you strength @LP13413. I hope when you wake up tomorrow you feel the slightest bit better. Nights can be the loneliest but a lot of us are awake when it’s night for you. If anything we can at least keep you company by talking or by playing some games with you here on the forums



So many words in my head.
And so little what feels right, fitting, good? to say.
Maybe just…
I’m hear :raising_hand_woman:
Feeling a lot of love for you, sending it over this little pond.:ocean:


Can you squeeze yourself through the nasal cavity? :confused: pretend you’re the brains and you’re being mummified away from your prison cell :yum:

There’s always some sliver of hope a little ray of light within that dark place that lets you stay afloat bro
Idk if you see it in other things but right now the way I see it, these gals, me, the people that will come soon or overnight for us-all the people that love you are quite a bright ray of positivity :slightly_smiling_face:

Whatever it is you carry, know you’re accepted as you are, that you’re loved as you are :bat::black_heart::bat: that we’ve got your back


Hang in there man. Just like the others have said already, we’re here if you feel the need to talk about it :slightly_smiling_face:


A skull with bars in its eyeholes is quite meaningful to me (that’s why I liked it).
I guess that being imprisoned inside your head may mean it’s hard to speak it out loud.
As you’ve got many shoulders for support and many ears to listen to you (those above), I’ll only add I’m here to say I understand…


Hope I’m not in delay… sending you lots of strenght and sunshine positive hugs! :muscle: :sun_with_face: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :heart:

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Thank you everybody. At the end of the day, it’s great knowing that I can find comfort here.

This originally said “Gamers” but I fixed it.

…But at the same time, it also serves as a double-edged sword.


It kicks your butt when that other edge hits you


@LP13413 :hugs::muscle:t2::hugs::muscle:t2:

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You’re ok?

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In a general sense, yes. It’s just something I’ve dealt with day in and day out. It’s…difficult to say the least.


If there’s ever a place where you could possibly feel safe enough to be yourself, it would be here =]


@LP13413 If you feel like talking then you can always msg me on Jordans discord lpu server, they have pm… for now I think it’s something I know very well Andy, and I don’t know but it’s probably part of the exhaustion by your heavy schedule that it hits this hard atm. But you‘ll get over this- I’m sure about it!! :muscle:t2::hugs: as @framos1792 said: we have your back :blush:



This is why I can’t get into (American) football.

He was just cleared from concussion protocol a month ago.

Rudolph ain’t innocent either

Granted he(Garrett) will be suspended for at least this year, has no place, was unnecessary at the end when you’re winning
But Rudolph went at him

Don’t go into something you won’t handle

Ps the video isn’t working

Rudolph went for the helmet first, he wanted the fight, Garrett was just the bigger man and what’s more is who tf still chases after a 6ft 5 250lb gigantor with pads when your head’s exposed?

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Guys I hit a revelation…I’m not sure if that’s the word but I’m going with it!! Since September I have developed a new profound language in cussing at everything… so if you witness me dropping a few beepies just know I am going throw lack of money and not being able to see my homies. But it’s alright because I haven’t been on here full time in two years so yeah.

Also does anyone think he’s cute?

I have a new love and his name is Nero. Is it weird to think a character is cute? Framos has a thing for Ms. Piggy so this isn’t too far.


This is actually very cool.


Thank you for sharing :flushed::slightly_smiling_face:

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From polish artist to showing off my polish independence kit on a game :upside_down_face:
Late happy polish infependence day last Monday :crazy_face:
Have the regular home jersey on other times haha
And lewan up top with mex legend :nerd_face:

Also thought you would be proud to see half my squad @HakManLP :crazy_face:
All Bayern haha :nerd_face: