Random Thoughts Thread: The Reunion!

On one hand, it’s hard to see him leave. On the other hand though, I’m happy for the new opportunities that await him!


:hugs: … let‘s just take it as a reminder that nothing lasts forever and I agree with you Andy…


I love this idea @jFar920 . I agree, I am so happy for him but at the same time I am really going to miss him.


It would be a very good idea, especially that today is his last day with the LPU

I saw this tweet, not sure if anyone on here is interested. The idea is to make an album or a book with all the pictures of us with Lorenzo (some have asked if they could write messages since they don’t have photos with him). They haven’t given a deadline or anything:


If someone else already has something in the works, might as well go along with their project. We could still make something smaller for him, just from those who frequent the forum or something


I would love to do something smaller just from us at the forums!


I’m up for doing something smaller as well. Maybe a digital card of some sort? Since we can’t really send him proper mail now.


A great idea- I’m in :heart_eyes:

I’d be willing to set up something similar to the digital card I did last year, but maybe a bit more involved.

Question though, if I do, would you guys care if I used it as a portfolio piece? I’m pretty busy with school right now and if I could use it towards that it’d help me justify not spending time on school work specifically


Go for it! I can help with whatever as much as I can as well.

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Agreed with @evooba ! I’ll be glad to be of help and of course you can use it as you want! :blush:

Yeah that’s fine with me! And like the others said if there is any way I can help I am more than happy!

There’s nothing like killing two birds with one stone.

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hi guys. haven’t been on in a while

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Helloooo! How are you? :sun_with_face: :smiley:

I have an old project I never really used that I think I can repurpose and make use of for this. I’m at work now, but I’ll make a topic about it when I get home later tonight


Thank you Jordan and I really appreciate your initiative :sunny: :+1:t2: @jFar920

I have off tomorrow, so I am actually going to make the topic then. Need to look into some stuff with the site before making a full commitment to organizing anything



Has anyone seen this yet? :open_mouth::open_mouth::thinking::thinking: